Chapter 57: Until death do us

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Alessandro's POV

Disbelief contorts my face, fully aware that their presence will not sway my decision.

"I have already made up my mind. It has to happen tonight, whether you like it or not," I say defiantly, watching as disappointment flashes across their faces.

Tommasso approaches me, hands in his pockets, narrowing his eyes. "Are you willing to jeopardize your entire family for a girl-?"

As he speaks, his words igniting my anger, I abruptly interrupt him, my fists clenched tightly. "Adriana is more than just a fucking girl, Tommasso!" I growl.

They all fucking knew that from the day they met her.

Diego steps forward, wiping his face in irritation, while Tommasso continues glaring at me sternly. "Tell me, Alessandro, what is she? Because this is about family-"

"ADRIANA IS FUCKING FAMILY!" I clamor at them, my wrath overpowering, knowing that I will not listen and will abandon the woman I love. "She is family," I hiss, gritting my teeth.

Tommasso scoffs disbelievingly, annoyance etched on his face as he walks closer to me. "Family? Alessandro, fucking listen to yourself. You have only known her for a few months; she is not a damn family. Family is blood! We cannot risk everything for a girl! I thought you knew better. Family always comes first!"

Frustrated, I toss my hands in exasperation, glaring at them, my face burning with fury. "Blood is not always family. Everyone here fucking knows that. Everyone in the damn mafia is family, and we are not all related by blood. So what the hell makes Adriana any less family?" I shake my head in disbelief. "I took her in! Adriana may not be family to any of you, but she is to me! I am saving her, and none of you will fucking stop me!"

They all shake their heads as if I am a child of disappointment.

Whatever they say, I will not stop until I find my princess, no matter the risk.

I will burn this city down if I have to.

I do not care who calls me crazy because I am fucking crazy for her.

"Damn it, Alessandro, do you realize the dangers? The risks to all of us, to the kids, to Giana, to our wives?" Matteo's voice is stern and cold as he speaks, his cold eye pierced on me.

Moving closer to them, I point to my chest, emphasizing my point. "Do you think I do not know the damn risks? I fucking know, but do you not understand that I am Alessandro D'piero?! Kings from all over have come after me! BUT I AM STILL HERE! They are dead... I am alive-!"

"Listen to me, boy! It will not just be one mafia king coming after you! It will be a hundred and their soldiers! Do you know why?" He raises an eyebrow, his face serious and unwavering.

"Yes, we do," my father emerges from the living room, arms crossed over his chest. "We know. I was the one who gave the alignment to protect our family-" he begins, but I do not give him the chance to finish as my rage fuels.

"Because you were a fucking coward! You could not fight like a damn king to save your family!" I retort fiercely, my voice icy and dark. "You gave us a bad reputation! You claimed to be the most dangerous, but you were and still are nothing but a fucking coward!" I yell, my voice resolute and unyielding, discerning the veins standing rigid on my neck.

"I was trying to protect our family! Do not blame me for everything. If you had not gone and slaughtered that man's family this would not have happened!" He barks at me, his words making me scoff, laughing coldly in disbelief.

"If you forget, Father, he took the lives of my brother and sister! Your fucking children and I could not let that go unpunished! And neither could you! We protect our family, always!"

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