Chapter 28: Mafia business

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Alessandro's POV

A few hours earlier

Ambling down the steps of my jet, I neatly set my blazer on my torso before I button it, a smile forming when I am greeted by the early morning wind grazing against the skin over my face.

With icy eyes, I observe my armed soldiers assuming their positions around the parked SUVs, ensuring my protection.

My car, accompanied by a chauffeur holding the door open, awaits my presence.

At the foot of the jet's steps, a woman stands, holding a tray that carries a bottle of Romanée-Conti (1945) and a glass partially filled.

As I descend the steps, I remove my dark glasses, tucking them away in my blazer pocket, reaching for the glass offered to me and proceed to enter my awaiting car, the door closing behind me.

Savoring a sip of the exquisite wine, my voice emerges, cold and ominous. "Good to see you, Ares. Is there anything I should be aware of before we reach our destination?" I take another sip, the taste lingering on my tongue.

"Not only do we have dealings with the Ukrainians, but also with Brazilians. All of a sudden, the Brazilians want to do business, and they decided they want a portion of ten million drugs and weapons,"  Ares explains, and I hum, turning to look at him.

"We do not do last minutes with anyone. It is precise that something is going down tonight with them, and I am here for it. Now apprise me what we have at the warehouse," I casually brush off the dust from my fingers, contemplating the absurdity of the Brazilians' assumptions and their underestimation of my intelligence.

"We've recruited some exceptional persons. Highly skilled IT specialists. They excel in hacking and tracking, and some possess remarkable talents as well. I believe you'll find them quite impressive. However, there haven't been any new prisoners lately. It seems no one dares to defy you after what happened the last time. That's what I've gathered since my arrival two days ago," Ares explains, and I attentively listen, nodding in acknowledgement.

Things have improved since my last visit.

"Adequate. I cannot wait to see what we have got. So everything is in preparation for Cruz and his momentarily condemned soldiers?" I question with an atrocious voice, smirking.

"Yes. It is going down tonight," he utters with an evil chuckle.

A lot is going down tonight, and I can say for the rest of the days here.


I stride out of the car with a confident gait, my loyal soldiers flanking me as we enter the building, the door shutting after us.

After a few seconds of walking, another set of doors swing open by guards, and as I descend the steps, accompanied by Ares, all activity in the recruit room comes to a halt.

All eyes fixate on me, their boss.

Moistening my lips, I position myself to the side, arms firmly crossed over my chest, surveying each individual attentively. "Please, continue your tasks. Do not let my presence interrupt you," I gesture with a slight nod, giving them permission to proceed.

My gaze follows as they demonstrate their respective talents, abilities that I seek to have within my mafia.

Even though my mafia is already perfect, there is always room for improvement.

"So..." I roll my eyes, recognizing the familiar sound of his voice all too well.

I hum under my breath, anticipating Ares' inquiry, knowing it will likely be about something irrelevant or foolish.

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