Chapter 9: My despair

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Adrienne's POV

Tears pour uncontrollably from my eyes, my heart pounding against my rib cage, and my body trembling relentlessly, feeling as if an inferno surges inside me, consuming every inch of my being.

I am consumed by anger, sadness, fear, and apprehension. What I have done is forbidden and courageous, standing up to such a powerful and cruel man. But I have to be brave, even if it means risking my life.

Which I did.

The desire for death offers comfort to me, yet it also instills perpetual terror within. I fear dying, yet I persist in actions that could lead to my demise.

I can not understand my emotions sometimes...

In this moment, I weep because I still can't accept that this is my life, the impending darkness looming more ominously than ever before.

It weighs heavily on me, but regardless, I have to summon strength for my papa and best friend, and I need to show my mother how resilient I am. I refused to grant her the satisfaction of knowing how deeply I am wounded, how I'm hiding my pain beneath a carefully crafted facade to survive.

I yearn for a time when I can remind her of the days she treated me abhorrently, to make her feel remorse for the scars she inflicted, the torture that shaped the person I have become.

Wiping my eyes, I struggle to control my sniffles, the pain I'm experiencing becoming overwhelming, and I can no longer contain it.

Shaking my head in self-disapproval at myself, I whisper, "Damn it." I chuckle at my own foolishness, contemplating the futility of seeking solace through my damn tears.

Crying won't bring me any relief; it will only drain me further, and the situation is bound to worsen...

A sigh escapes my trembling lips.

There is no glimmer of hope in my life; it is engulfed in tragedy, and my tears are ineffective.

So why do I cry?

Why succumb to weakness?

No matter how hard I try to heal, I always end up broken. Happiness seems unattainable for me.

A knock echoes against my bedroom door, jolting me out of my despair, and I swiftly rise from my bed and hastily wipe away my tears.

Whoever is on the other side doesn't need to witness my vulnerability and shattered state.

Walking toward the mirror, I scan my face, noting the reddened complexion and traces of dried tears. Without wasting a moment, I rush toward the bathroom sink.

Turning on the faucet, water cascades from the pipe, and I splash it on my face, hoping to wash away my dry tears and bring some lightness to my weary countenance.

After patting my face dry with a towel, I step out of the bathroom, feeling a touch unsettled.

I knew at any given moment he would come to punish me for my actions downstairs. That is what he does, and I knew what I was putting myself into before hand, and now Alessandro is going to hurt me, much like my own family has done before.

I have crossed a line, disrespecting him once again.

My hand trembles as I turn the doorknob, bracing myself for the inevitable encounter.

I pull the door open.

Oh, it isn't him who stands before me, but a spirited Giana, clutching something concealed inside a white bag and a pair of silver pumps in her hands.

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