Chapter 17: Meeting Valentina

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My face has a massive scowl while cold, freezing silence floats through the car.

My breathing is heavy as anger and hatred soar through my veins. With arms crossed over my chest, I keep glaring through the tilted window as the car drives.

"Okay, if he does not want to talk now, he will when I get there, Ares," Alessandro ends his call, and I roll my eyes at him. He takes a deep breath and goes silent. Moments later, I sense his intense gaze on my exposed skin. "I still did not give you consent to wear that, Adriana," his deep voice growls in a low whisper.

Growling and rolling my eyes, I turn to look at Alessandro, the sight of his biceps fighting for their lives through his black t-shirt that displays his arm tattoos clearly and veins.

"And I told you before that I don't take orders from you, Alessandro. No matter the power you have," I hiss at him with grit teeth, watching as he stares at me, more like my exposed cleavage my tank top displays, his tongue brushing over both his lips seductively.

He narrows his eyes at me coolly, his bright blue eyes giving a dark color. "I am aware, but are you aware that I fucking own you, princess?'' He reclines in the car seat, right elbow on the window sill, and the left one casually resting between his spread legs. Veins show on his muscular, inked arm, adorned with thick gold rings on his lengthy fingers.

My eyes go back to his face, unable to stop myself from admiring him.

His body screams perfection and danger.

He is a living Greek God.

He makes my stomach scream from his good looks, and it makes me feel excited, yet outraged, pissed at him.

I am pissed that he makes me feel this way. I am pissed at him for letting me accompany him when I refused to come! I despise him for killing my best friend's father. I hate him for finding me after I tried to escape!

I sigh, rolling my eyes at this man, giving him a look of contempt. "Because you paid like what? A million dollars for me? Don't exactly make you own me. I am still my own person, and if I had a choice, I wouldn't have come here with you-"

"I own you, Adriana, even if you do not compromise. Sei mio (You are mine)."

"No, you do not. I-"

Suddenly, one of his big hands reaches out and grabs my face firmly, making me gasp as his warm hand touches my skin, and shock freezes my body.

Our eyes meet, and I swallow hard, feeling a lump in my throat.

''Every inch of you is fucking mine whether or not you like it, Principessa," his voice comes in a low possessive whisper, making my blood run cold. "Your face," two of his fingers slowly begin rotating over my cheek, and I allow him to touch me, the blood rushing to my face as my skin tingle.

Of course, I despise him and want nothing but to run away, but my body is frozen. I can't move.

It feels as if his deep, captivating gaze has taken my soul away from my body. I can't move, whether out of fear or because his touch causes heat all over my body, even between my thighs, bringing back memories of when he was literally pressing into me, and my throat held by his forbid large hand.

A heavy, shaking breath leaves my lips, unable to remove my eyes from his dark, cold, and stormy ones.

"Lips," he growls to himself as his finger slowly runs across my parted lips, heavy breaths leaving me.

Unexpectedly his finger slips between them, making me gasp as he slowly moves it against the moist skin on my bottom lip.

Impulsively my tongue brushes against the tip of his finger, and a growl leaves his throat. "Fuck, princess," he whimpers, my eyes watching as he bites his bottom lip with his eyes glowing dark on my lips. "Be careful," he warns, bringing his eyes back to mine, and removing his finger from between my lips.

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