Chapter 27: A normal day

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It is morning, and the brilliant daylight peeking through my curtains informs me it is a sunny day outside and that it's another day here and alive.

I am lying in bed staring at the ceiling contemplating whether or not I should go downstairs or starve myself up here for a really long time.

I can not face Alessandro after he saw me watching him have sex.

You have no proof that he saw you! My subconscious snaps at me, but it is wrong.

He looked at the glass that views directly inside the room, not for long, but he did, and that smirk. He knew I couldn't resist looking, so he gave that victory and vicious smirk, knowing he was right.


Because of how distracted I was by Alessandro, I forgot to get the charger for my phone to contact Leah.

I really want to hear from her. To see if everything is okay, even after knowing about her father's death. She must have been devasted when his corpse showed up and must be heartbroken now.

Leah loved her father.

I wish I could be there for her. Comfort her even when I feel guilt for ever forgiving the man that causes her despair.

It is all Alessandro's fault that I did not get the charger, and now I will never know how she is doing. Fucking Alessandro and his stupid hormones and lack of privacy! He just had to be outside so late getting fucked.

Sitting up in bed, I lean on my headrest with my arms crossed over my chest and my face frowning, thinking about last night.

The things I saw, the things I did, and the things I felt. I touched myself for Christ's sake.

I am disappointed.

Why does such an evil man have much effect on me?

I get that he is boarder line sexy, insanely attractive, and well sculptured from the dark brown of his messy curly hair to the dark leather of the fancy shoes he pairs with expensive black suits, but he had done so many evil things, killed- he killed my best friend's father!

Even though it was business that any mafia would have done, he is ruthless, cold, notorious, and menacing how can I develop anything for him?

I doubt I am. I am only attracted to his body and love how powerful and controlling he is. Sometimes.

He's hot when he is domineering and in charge, intimidating, and cold when he's angry. Thinking about it makes me realize I need help.

This is not okay.

My bedroom door knocks, and I turn to look at it, wondering who is there. It better not be him. I can not face him. I am not ready, and I know I can not hide in here forever.

The fast hammering against my ribcages was a sign of my nervousness and worry about who was behind that door.

"Come in," the words leave as a force and a bit hoarse, but whoever is at the door heard, and the door pushes open, one of the keep comes inside with a genuine smile which I return, letting out a sigh of relief, unclenching my hands I did not know was clenched.

''Good morning, Adrienne. I was requested here by Alessandro to leave you this envelope," At her words, I furrow my eyebrows confusingly at her but also curious to know what Mr. grumpy and cold has to say to me.

"Why didn't he bring it himself, and why is he leaving me an envelope when he could come to me?" Even though I truly do not want to see him, I need to know.

I fear it's because of this morning, and what if he saw me?

I try pushing away the thoughts about it, hoping it's not that and being grateful that he did not visit me, and instead the keep did.

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