Chapter 24: His rage

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I descend the staircase slowly, my fingers fidgeting nervously, uncertain about what I'm about to face.

After yesterday's events, I have no idea what to expect. I'm unsure of Alessandro's mood or what he has planned, and it makes my stomach knot with anxiety.

I don't want to see Alessandro either, that notorious bastard. My hatred for him has only intensified since yesterday, after what he did to me and that innocent man for merely dancing with me.

I wonder if I had fuck that stranger if he would've killed me too?

Fuck, I can not stand him.

All he ever did was make my life worse by doing the things he does to me. It's like he doesn't want me to be happy unless it's on his terms.

I descend the steps each footfall resonating with the sturdy wooden floors beneath me. With measured steps, I navigate towards the first wide opening that beckons me into the grand living room, and from there, that is where my nightmare is.

Coming to an abrupt halt just outside the dining area, my gaze locks onto the man I despise most.

There he is, seated at the lavish dining table, absorbed in his morning routine.

With a newspaper in one hand and a steaming coffee cup in the other, exuding arrogance and elegance.

He's impeccably dressed in his signature black tuxedo, tailored to perfection, draping his robust figure with grace. The luxurious fabric complements his muscular frame, conveying authority and affluence.

Every thing about his attire speaks of wealth.

His perpetually curly hair possesses a soft sheen, enhancing his polished look. Each curl appears meticulously arranged, showcasing his meticulous grooming. It looks as if styled just moments ago.

My attention then shifts to the next person I deeply resent. He's seated nearby, engrossed in his newspaper, casually sipping coffee, dressed in a t-shirt and sweatpants.

His piercing eyes lock with mine, emitting hostility, but eventually, he shifts his attention back to his newspaper.

The next person I see soothes my heart, alleviating its rapid beats and extinguishing the fiery sensation on my skin. Her genuine smile gracefully envelops my heart with warmth.

I start toward Giana, pondering whether or not I should say good morning. I hate them, but I wonder if I should show respect.

My nostrils flare excitedly from the aroma of the freshly cooked meals spread throughout the table, and I pull my chair and sit next to Giana, raking my fingers over my hair to remove it from blocking my eyes.

"Hi," she grins excitedly, her eyes twinkling to see me.


"I am delighted you could finally join us." His deep voice cuts me off, low and notorious.

I turn my head to look at Alessandro, his eyes still pierced on the newspaper article.

With a frown, annoyance takes over my face. "As if I had any say in the insisted on my presence," I mutter, rolling my eyes in his direction, fully aware that he's intentionally avoiding eye contact. I raise an eyebrow, dripping with sarcasm, and ask, "Or did I imagine that?"

"It is not exemplary to have food inside your bedroom. Do you not know any better?" He finally looks up at me, lowering his article and holding my eyes with a cold glare, making me curl my toes with nervousness, using his words as if he meant for me to look stupid and not home-trained.

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