Chapter 21: Your body is exquisite

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The days cruised by swiftly, and now two months have gone within a blink of an eye.

During those three weeks of training, evolving closer to Alessandro and getting habituated to him, I grew to love the new person I am becoming.

More prepared with what I've been learning in training and assertive around him without having to pretend.

It is safe to say that my body grew exhausted during the days, hurting from all the sweat and pressure he put me through, but I know it will all be worth it in the end.

He was not jesting when he declared he was going to train me.

He meant every word because he actually did, leaving me exhausted.

The most satisfactory part about my training with him is that I was not bruised in any way as I would with my notorious hermanos and my heartless mother.

Most of the time, Alessandro went gentle with me, even too gentle for me to handle.

It is impossible to forget his delicate touches against my skin and the heart-stopping sight of him being all sweaty and half-naked, displaying his perfectly well-defined abs and body that is a view I would like to watch for eternity.

I wish I could tell Leah about my times with him, every bit of it, but I can't because he murdered her father, and I am terrified to talk to her.

Not only because I am terrified but because I am guilty of forgiving Alessandro for doing it.

He had his reasons, this is mafia life, and there are consequences when you do something, and yes, I miss Axel, and I'm sorry he had to face that consequence, but any other mafia would have done the same, and Alessandro isn't any less barbaric.

Frankly, my weeks had been going great.

Not only have I remained here training with Alessandro for hours upon hours, but I visited the warehouse a few times and met with Valentina, she was great, and she forgave me for what happened when we first met.

Of course, I did not ask for forgiveness.

She started filling me with how sexy, and attractive Alessandro was when he wasn't around me, possibly slaughtering men inside the cells.

Valentina is lesbian, so she doesn't see Alessandro as how every other girl sees him, but she knows how to talk about him.

Whenever I told her about Alessandro training me here, she always looked amused, shocked, or gave me a weird look before asking me if I ever wanted to fuck him, looking at his salacious body, especially when he was half naked and was only in sweats.

Grey sweatpants.

The forbidden pants, she calls it.

I have to admit, even though I did many times, but I am in love with his body, and most of the time, I want to run my hands over his muscles, feel every firm and hardness, praise them, and I thank the training we did together for aiding me with such desire.


Day 15

My lips let out an uncontrollable gasp as his front brushes dangerously against my ass while he stand close to me, his hands trying to set my arms correctly so I can aim at the punching bag the right way.

I can throw punches, but I am not doing it as correctly as I should. 'His words'

My mind can not concentrate as parts of his body brush against my skin gently, the warmth transmitting from his to mine.

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