Chapter 43: Captive

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As soon as Giana hit play on her iPhone, the familiar melody of Lana Del Ray's song fills the room.

The music resonates through the air and flows into our ears, instantly captivating us and transforming the atmosphere, making the room feel more heavenly and peaceful, as I apply touches of nail polish to Giana's nails while we both converse.

"Tell me again, why should I not kill my brother?" Was the question Giana asks with what I hope is sarcasm.

Her face etches with a frown, and I can't help but let out a small chuckle at the sight of her.

She looks so adorable even in her moment of frustration with her brother.

"Because he is the one that buys you expensive things," I playfully nudge her shoulder, watching as she giggles, rolling her eyes in response.

Alessandro is taking me somewhere, and she's upset that he's leaving her alone here. She asked to visit her aunt and cousins, but he said no, explaining that they'll be coming here soon.

"Yes, yes," she sighs, nodding her head in agreement as she rolls her eyes once more with an irritated groan. "Unfortunately, he is my only sibling, but he treats me like a child when I am almost eighteen. I wonder what he is going to do when I start to date?" She gives me a knowing look, and I can't help but laugh in response.

It is no secret Alessandro is overprotective and a bit chaotic at times, well, most of the time, but we both know that he means well.

"Probably explode or have him killed, but only hope not because your brother is literally sinister," I explain to her, applying more finishing touches of pink nail polish on her fingernails, closing the polish, and setting it down.

"And that is why I want to murder him...." She lets out a frustrated sigh and raises her hands in exasperation, but when I shoot her a disapproving look, she promptly puts them back where they belong, whispering sorry. "Anyway, spill the beans. What are your true feelings for my brother, despite the fooling around between you two?" She inquires with a mischievous smirk, causing my face to grow in shock and body to freeze, earning me a playful eye roll from her. "Seriously, you guys think I am clueless, but I am not! I have my own observations and senses, you know?"

She lets out a groan while I am frozen in place with my face flushing as I think about what she's saying. Not just about my feelings but also about the times I had spent alone with Alessandro in his bedroom...or where ever we do it...

"Well-well..." I stammer, clearing my throat and finding my composure. "I think I have gotten to like him better than I did before..." I explain, knowing that Alessandro and I are in a better place now.

"Like?" She hums softly, nodding to herself. "You know," she says with a smile, "I think Alessandro might be in love with you." Her words hit me like a lightning bolt, and my heart races as I interrupt her, my eyes widening in shock.

"Wait-" I stammer, my face turning ghostly pale.

She erupts into laughter as she observes my reaction. "Alessandro never mentioned it to me, but I believe it is quite evident... It would not be surprising, given how unique you are, as I mentioned earlier. You are not just anyone..." She beams at me, and I manage to muster a smile in return, my self-control returning, though her words linger. "I believe the two of you would make a fantastic couple. Imagine, you will tie the knot, and I will get to be an aunt-!" She exclaims with excitement.

Hold the breaks...

My hands quickly shot up in surrender, my fingers gripping the nail polish. "Woah, woah, hold the breaks, hold the car, hold the house, hold the horse, hold everything! Don't you think you are moving a bit fast there?" I exclaim, my entire body freezing as another set of shock takes me over.

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