Chapter 42: Toys

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My eyes watch as Alessandro seizes two handcuffs from the enormous closet before he begins his way to me, a smirk taking over his lips when he sees my eyes look at them, knowing they are for me.

I will be defenseless while he fucks me...

His eyes are dark, possessive, and dangerous as he stares at me, his salacious, large body perfect to gaze at, and the burly muscles, veins, tattoos, and massive cock is just wow.

God, he's perfect.

I can't help but bite my bottom lip, as I take in the forbidden devil of a man, my eyes scanning every muscle structure his body has until it lands on what I desire.

"Princess, you are under arrest," his deep voice speaks, his dark smirk growing wider as he climbs on the bed, flexing his muscles, causing me to lick my lips, watching them with lust.

My eyebrows quickly shot up with excitement, a smirk taking over my lips, eyeing him. "For what, daddy officer?" I bite my bottom lip, finding it hard to keep in my smile. "Did I do something wrong?" I ask seductively, giggling, slowly widening my legs with my hands to expose my drenched pussy, his eyes quickly meeting it and darkening, a loud growl of hunger and danger leaving his throat. "It's yours, papi," I whisper to him, seeing how hungry he is for it, just as how hungry I am for him.

"Fuck," he hisses to himself, licking his lips. "Oh, little slut, you have been bad..." He licks his lips once more, eyes dangerously watching as my legs spread wide open, all my glory before his eyes. "Real fucking bad," he utters, his eyes snapping toward mine.

Moaning out, I slowly bring my hand to my pussy, keeping his eyes as I finally leave them on myself.

A loud gasp and whimper escapes my mouth as my fingers begin to move at my moistness. "I know, I am bad," I moan, slowly moving my hands with my wet pussy, Alessandro's eyes breaking mine to meet where my fingers rest, his tongue moving over his lips.

Unexpectedly Alessandro grabs hold of my hand, his eyes boring into mine as he cuffs me, a slight giggle leaving my lips thinking about what is to come.

I might not even be able to walk tomorrow after he's done with me.

He grabs hold of my other hand, quickly cuffing it to the chains that are connected to the headrest.

"Now I get to do anything..." he whispers provocatively as he gets from the bed, walking towards his sex closet.

I am going to start calling it that.

I watch as he grabs hold of four different dildos, all in different sizes but none as massive as his real toy if you know what I mean.

"Relax, princess," he whispers provocatively, biting his lips at the sight of my exposed body. "I will not hurt you, at least intentionally," he smirks, his eyes scrutinizing me darkly. "God, you are flawless," he bites down on his bottom lip as his dark eyes scan me slowly before they stop at my drenched pussy that's for him. "Damn, princess..." his eyes snap to mine, and I hold his gaze, seeing his wild thoughts through them.

My eyes then trail the toys in his hands as he gets on the bed, leaning over and setting a wet, hot kiss on my wet pussy, causing me to grind myself against him with bliss.

My eyes slide shut when he places another wet kiss against my soaked pussy, a long one, a loud growl leaving his lips at the taste of me. "Fuck, slut. So sweet," he whispers, and I moan in response, opening my eyes to meet his smirk. "And so fucking wet. A slut like you is always so damn hungry to be fucked, huh?" He purrs with a vicious smirk.

"Yes," I moan, feeling my pussy becoming more soaked with hunger, the sheets below soaking. "Just like a slut," I groan, biting my bottom lip and feeling my pussy pulse, starving to be fucked.

Alessandro 16+ / Book 1Where stories live. Discover now