Chapter 14: My girl

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Alessandro's POV

Matteo and I exit the back room, joining the partying ballroom, the music soothing through my ears, the familiar sound of chattering, laughter, and glass clicking resonating inside the extravagantly gold room.

As soon as we step inside the room, eyes divert towards us and stare, perhaps knowing what went down outside.

Let us say no one here gives a shit about who dies or lives, once it is not them or their wives that are placed in harm's way.

My gaze shifts to the most beautiful woman in the ballroom, and I examine her condition. My heart tightens as I see her talking to Vivian, and I notice a few people inside the ballroom glancing at her.

There is blood visible on her dress, face and hands.

Clenching my teeth together when her eyes assemble mine, I shift slightly at the abhorrence, hurt, and anger I have never seen on her before, looks I have never witnessed on such an innocent face.

She gives me a hostile, angry look, her eyes filled with rage and disgust. I cannot help but feel frustrated by her cold attitude, and my fists clench in response to how much it affects me.

She wants me to see how much she is in anguish.


I broke her.

She suddenly grasps hold of her floor-length dress that secures her full-figured body very well and admirable breasts in place.

The entire night she has me gawking at her, thinking about all the forbidden things I can do to her and that fucking titillating body of hers.

Have her submit to me.

Fuck me.

It is so fucking difficult not to think with my dick when I am near her, knowing I do not want to only fuck her senselessly but to have her for myself and have a strong affinity with her.

One that I can heal her and be with her at the same time.

She captured a lot of hungry men's attention at the ball, eyes trailing and studying her every move, which made my blood fucking boils, my mind pondering about going on a killing rampage for her. And when I am done with all the victim's blood splattered all over me, I tell her why it was done.

Why she should not wear such things unless it is for me.

Me only.

She fucking belongs to me.

I own her.

Adriana may not understand yet, but she will in due time.

My eyes follow as she runs up the grand entrance stairs, her breast recoiling and catching numerous men's attention.

I growl at the forbidden sight, already having a massive erection.

Fuck princess.

The things you fucking do to me.

My feet do not waste a second before I go, taking long strides after her, the sound of my heel against the crystal marble floor echoing.

For some reason, remorse fills me for what I have done. I am not sorry about putting multiple bullets into Axel's body because I will watch him die once more, only to see the terror and guilt wash over his face. I will do anything for that moment again, but remorse takes me over, knowing I did that to her.

Hurting her, but it had to be done.

He crossed me, and I do not show mercy.

That is weakness.

Alessandro 16+ / Book 1Where stories live. Discover now