Chapter 23: Blood on hands

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My hips sway to the sensual, slow music with forbidden movements, each of my sways being coquettish, delicate, and explicit, my ass grinding against this tall stranger's front as I move my hands through my hair and over my curvy body, eyes closed, enjoying the moment, and accepting how good the stranger knows how to move his body.

His hands are gripping the correct parts of me while he is grinding in sync with my body and I have never been more impressive and satisfied.

I know I will regret this later on, but it is too much merriment not wanting to do it, and I know it makes Alessandro infuriated.

He must be fuming.

I can not understand why he is always getting mad at whatever I do. It is my business, my body. I do whatever I want.

I keep saying that to myself, but at the end of the day, I still let him control me.

Typical of me, but a least I stand up for myself.

The stranger's hands glide down my bare thighs, making me let out a light laugh at his bravery, risking it all. "You like that, huh?" He hisses with a sexy tone against my ears, and I hum, smiling but gasp when he yanks me aggressively closer to his body, feeling that someone is happy down there. Very happy, I must say. "So fucking sexy," he growls, and a smirk takes over my lips, unable to stop myself when I bite my bottom lip.

He slowly glides his hands up my thighs, tingling my bare skin, passing up to my waist, where he brushes his fingers over my stomach valiantly, making an uncontrollable moan leave my lips.

The guy's body gets yanked away from mine, causing me to confusingly turn to look at him but end up facing a muscled torso that is covered by a black button-up shirt, which does a terrible job of concealing his defined hard chest.

Three buttons were undone, displaying dark tattoos and an expensive, sweet fragrance hitting my nostrils.

My eyes shift to Alessandro's intense, piercing gaze, which is already fixed on me with cold, stern, and threatening intensity, and I immediately feel small and vulnerable under the weight of his menacing stare.

I glance at the guy I was dancing with, noticing Alessandro's hand gripping his throat mercilessly from behind.

A horrified gasp escapes my lips as I watch, my eyes widening in shock and disbelief.

The man struggles for air, his hands desperately trying to loosen Alessandro's iron grip around his throat while he writhes and gags, his feet barely touching the floor.

The fury that had been simmering inside me, reserved for Alessandro, finally boils over, and I can no longer contain it. "What the hell is wrong with you?!" I shout in a mix of rage and disbelief, but he remains unaffected, tightening his hold on the stranger's throat. "Alessandro! Let him go!" I yell, my anger reaching its peak. "Release the man! He hasn't done anything! Let him go!"

Ignoring me, he signals someone over with a gesture from his head, his bodyguard walking over. "Prenditi cura di lui. Adesso. (take care of him. Now)," his deep voice speaks casually but is fuming in the eyes and face.

They are glowing dark.

Alessandro's pupils are extracting.

Something I never knew was possible.

I can never understand how he can be furious but knows how to keep calm, but that's not the point now.

My eyes widen in alarm at his strict order as I watch his guard pulls the stranger towards the exit, other guards following closely behind before they all disappear through a door.

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