Chapter 5: Torture

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Adrienne's POV

My mind surges with intense curiosity regarding Alessandro's statement, anxious to know what is likely to transpire tonight and whether or not it concerns me because I have had enough, I feel overwhelmed, and I don't believe I can go through anything currently before the storm comes.

The car comes to a halt in an unfamiliar spot, Alessandro pivoting his head towards me, his face void of any warmth or feeling.

With a cold and intimidating gaze, he locks eyes with me, making me feel uneasy and uncertain of what might come next.

This man knows the power he holds and what he is capable of.

As he looks, I make a conscious effort to conceal any hint of fear, although his horrifying stare has the power to shatter me.

"Stay here." He demands sternly. "Do not fucking try to escape me because there is no such thing as an escape when it comes to me." With that cold statement Alessandro's soldier, dressed in a somber black suit, opens the car door for him.

Alessandro steps out nonchalantly, his back a picture of perfection, leaving me behind.

I will not risk it.

My eyes watch as the door shut, my view now limited to the tilted window in front of me. From there, I catch a glimpse of Alessandro as he deftly buttons his sleek black blazer, which complements his lean, toned physique nicely.

Even from a distance, I can see the definition in his biceps as they strain against the fabric of his blazer.

My eyes follow as he stride toward a gathering of men. Suddenly, a gasp of shock and horror escapes from my mouth when I realize what's happening before me.

I should not be shocked because I know the type of person that he is, but I am shocked.

A group of at least nine men dressed in black suits has five other men kneeling on the ground with their hands on their heads, while one man is kneeling at the center with his hands behind his head.

Alessandro walks in front of the gathering of men with an expression that conveys authority, dominance, and ferocity, evoking fear and respect among them.

They look like they are talking from where I sit until Alessandro decides to pull his gun and causally shoots one of the men that was held at gunpoint to show threat and his impatience.

My hands instinctively cover my mouth, and my eyes widen in alarm, terror, and sheer disbelief, my heart pounding rapidly against my chest.

It's not as if I did not expect him to do things like this, but I was not prepared and I am astounded.

All the men begin to chat for their lives, their lips moving with a rapid intensity that conveys dread, even though I am unable to hear the words they speak.

Alessandro raises a single elongated digit, signaling for silence, and cause all the mouths to stop speaking in unison.

While holding his pistol in a relaxed manner, Alessandro starts firing at the group of men, and one by one, they are struck by the bullets, falling lifelessly to the ground, leaving behind a gruesome scene of blood.

"Fuck," my mouth utters in complete shock and horror, my eyes from their sockets.

When I thought he was done, he shot the man that kneels between the now dead men after he shouted something that didn't make Alessandro pleased.

Placing his gun back inside his blazer, Alessandro demands something to his soldiers before he turns away towards the car, casually walking toward me.

I remain frozen, my gaze locked on him as he enters, fear coursing through my veins, and I can't bring myself to avert my eyes, not even for an instant, because the thought of him doing what he did in front of me fills me with dread and disbelief.

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