Chapter 19: Comfort

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Neither of my hermanos looks at me, acknowledging their blood, their sister. They stand there, their emotions shrouded in a cold and dark demeanor.

All I ever wished for was their love and respect, but instead, I endured torment, pain, and neglect. It's as if I'm invisible to them, and if they do notice me, it's only as someone weak and an easy target, having me wondering what I did for them to show up?

I didn't do anything, so why are they here?

I grew in fear of them, yet I still want their love, mother's love... even the blood they all drained from me over and over again I still want their affection. I thought if they ever loved me, maybe I would never have to fear them again or be in so much anguish to the point I want to die. Their love means my safety. I have worked so hard to get that, but here I am, fearing what they might do to me.

My mouth quakes as I stare at them, and I can not find the words to say a thing.

Did they come here to punish me for something that I did?

But what did I do?

Memories of the countless whips, kicks, and punches, glass shattering from the force to my body, the times I was locked in cells and starved for days, the time I got shot, and more, all deluge back to me. As if they are all happening all over again, all at once.

My heart throbs against my chest, manically. My family has numbed and made me petrified.

My mother looks over at me with no emotion, but it shows somehow she is sickened by the sight of me.

A small gasp of dread leaves my lips from her cold, dark eyes, my stomach ruthlessly knotting in horror.

Without looking at Alessandro and having her dark eyes on me she speaks. "Alessandro, please." She finally turns to look at him, and I let out a breath I did not know I had. "We need to talk," she utters firmly.

Alessandro's head snaps towards her, cold and dangerous, before he storms over with his gun aimed at her head, causing my hermanos to reach for their guns, but she stops them with a raise of her hand.

"How dare you come to my house unannounced. Even so, we have no fucking business. Whatever we had was with Adriana, who is no longer with you and is over," his voice is stern, cold and ruthless.

Promise forbidden actions.

She slowly lowers his gun while looking down at it. Her boldness causing my eyes to go wide.

My eyes meet my brothers, and quickly I turn away, having the verge to cry.

I still have no words.

"You killed someone very close to me," my mother says, and I look at Alessandro, recalling the image of Axel and how Alessandro treated me with a complete lack of remorse for his actions.

"I supposed it is Axel to which you are referring?" His eyebrows shot up ruthlessly with dark, promising eyes. "Well, you see, he and I had unfinished business that needed to be taken care of, and I did. Man to man. Ended in tragedy." He chuckles to himself bitterly, sending chills through my body. "I am not sure what you came here to do, but I advise you to leave and not ever fucking come back, not to me or anyone else. Such courage you had to walk inside my house knowing what I am capable of." He creases his eyebrows at her as if in disbelief, knowing she did such a thing to herself, comprehending the danger.

His voice is low-pitched, callous and stern, escorted by a mixture of eloquence that I have known him to have. His body maintains impeccable posture, enhancing his lean physique, making it hard to look away.

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