Chapter 37: Meeting

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It is my first time being out onto the patio since I arrived here at the house, many more places remaining unexplored as if the house holds secrets, hidden in the nooks and crannies that have yet to reveal themselves to me.

Inhaling deeply, I allow the coolness of the air to fill my lungs, my eyes oberseving the breathtakingly vast expanse of golden and green landscape, the brilliant sunshine saturating everything in a radiant golden glow, illuminating the lush green grass and trees with brightness reminiscent of scenes from a movie.

Being in such a breathtakingly beautiful place makes me feel like I was transported into a scene from a movie, the magnificence of my surroundings filling me with an indescribable sense of wonder and awe.

It's as if I've stepped into a dream where reality and fantasy intertwine.

Every worry and burden I carried with me seemed to dissipate, replaced by a profound sense of tranquility and contentment.

I feel lighter as if a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. The air is infused with a certain magic that revitalizes my spirit and rejuvenates my soul.

Alessandro sits next to me on a soft couch, his arms wrapped around my waist tightly as if he does not want to let me go or he fears that if he lets go, I might say that this is a mistake, but after yesterday I will never say such words.

We both sit viewing the glorious sight before us, letting nature carry on, endowing us with its grace.

It is the perfect setting in a romance movie, the perfect sight with the perfect someone. If I were told a few days ago we would be here, I would have never believed anyone.

I nestle my head against his broad shoulder, as warmth and comfort envelopes me, the air carrying his captivating masculine fragrance that lingers and fills my nostrils, beckoning me to inhale deeply, my gaze fixating on what lies before us.

Blooming palms swaying gently in the breeze, casting dappled shadows on the ground, the vibrant hues of bright green mowed lawns spreading out before our eyes.

My gaze extends further into the horizon where a majestic forest emerges, its lush canopy of trees reaching skyward. Behind this verdant tapestry of nature lies the vast expanse of the ocean.

"Look up," his voice, deep and resonant, whispers into my ear, sending shivers down my spine, his warm breath dancing across the side of my face, an intimate touch that makes my skin tingle.

I obediently tilt my head upward, and there, in the sky adorned with fluffy white clouds, a mesmerizing sight unfolds before my eyes- an elegant flock of birds gliding gracefully through the air.

A smile graces my lips, fascinated by the sight above, each bird leaving an ephemeral trail, forming a distinct V-shaped pattern, a symbol of unity and freedom.

"One day, you will be free like them," his words weave into the atmosphere, resonating with hope and promise, his sentiment sparking an ember of anticipation, igniting my smile into a expression of delight.

With tender affection, I lift my hand from its place on his back, allowing my fingers to glide through his soft, curly hair, savoring its silky texture.

"As long as you are with me every step of the way," I mutter, knowing I would want him with me.

Besides Leah being my closest confidant and dearest friend, Giana being someone I also hold in high regard and consider a good friend, Alessandro is all I have.

When it comes to traveling, I know I cannot do it alone, and Alessandro is the only other person I have in my life who can travel with me.

I glance at him from the corner of my eye, seeing his lips curled into a smile that ignites a surge of happiness in me, his seductive grin setting my stomach ablaze with excitement, and my pulse quickens as if a rush of fervent energy courses through my veins.

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