Chapter 33: Dinner and talk

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Emerging from the shower, after futilely attempting to erase his lingering touches and kisses from my body once more, but his presence persists, and thoughts of him consume my every waking moment, I unravel the bun in my hair, letting it cascade freely onto my shoulders.

Sighing, I gaze at my reflection in the mirror before me, my eyes drawn to the wig I wear as I remember why I wear it in the first place, knowing that hiding it does not stop me from hurting.

It only shields me from even greater anguish.

One day, when I find the strength to heal, I will embrace my true hair without breaking, but I am not yet fortified or prepared for such a step.

I slip into a black underwear before effortlessly donning a black dress.

I continue to mourn my losses.

Thirteen years ago...

"Give it back!" My six-year-old self tugs at the TV remote, firmly held by my twin brother's grasp.

"But I had it first," he counters, determined to reclaim it from my clutches.

"I don't care," I pout in response.

He sighs, conceding defeat, and give up the remote. "Fine, only because you're my little sister," he says, planting a kiss on my forehead.

We settle beside each other, and I giggle at his customary remark when we are both the same age.

"We were born on the same day, Domi," I remind him, grinning, wrapping my tiny arm around his shoulder as we prepare to watch a cartoon together.

"Well, I gave it to you because I love you very much," he says, returning my smile. "And because I born earlier, before you did," he adds with a quick remark, sparking more laughter between us.

"I love you too, Domi! My silly twin brother!"


I step out of my bedroom and head toward the staircase, my hand gliding along the baluster as I descend.

Reaching the bottom step, I glance at Stefano stationed by the door. He's changed his attire since our earlier training session, his damp hair slicked back.

I offer him a smile, and he reciprocates while running his fingers through his hair.

"I must say, the shower has worked wonders for you. You look much better than this morning," he grins, and my mind briefly flashes back to memories I had momentarily pushed aside.

"You should try it too. It would do more than wonders. It would actually clean you and make you smell fresh," I retort, glaring at him. "Because, God, you need it."

"Fuck off," he playfully rolls his eyes, and I growl, extending my middle finger.

"You first, asshole."

Turning away, I proceed toward the dining room, smiling as I pass by the bustling maids.

Upon entering the dining area, I greet Giana and Giuseppe, who are already seated around the table, with breakfast prepared and waiting.

"You seem cheerful, Adrienne," Giuseppe remarks, engrossed in an article as he sips his coffee.

I suppose I do. Alessandro isn't present, so perhaps I can allow myself to feel that way. "Maybe I am," I respond, a smile gracing my lips.

I am relieved he's not here, yet his presence still manages to make me glow despite my regrets. I regret everything, as it was an honest mistake, yet I feel undeniably changed.

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