Chapter 45: Family reunion

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With my arms firmly crossed over my chest and a scrutinizing gaze, I confront the impolite stranger standing before me. "Who exactly are you?" I inquire, my tone laced with an icy chill that seems to unsettle her, but despiting it, she responds with a bitter and unpleasant expression on her face.

My face grows into a frown as my eyes keep fixed on her, revolted by her daring attitude.

The blonde girl with striking grey eyes carefully observes me with a grimace, scanning me from head to toe before assuming a judgmental expression.

Despite feeling frustrated and tempted to react with my fists, I remain composed, recognizing that as a passive figure. I cannot take any physical action because, after all, I am a doll.

His doll.

"I am pretty sure I asked you first," her assertive Italian tone rebukes me with resentment, while her icy gaze conveys a clear message of contempt, leaving me with no doubt that she holds a strong aversion towards me.

It would have hurt if I cared that she did.

But she does not even know me. Why the hell is she hating? I guess someone was a bully at school such a shame I can not put her in her place.

With incredulity, I let out a dismissive snort, my gaze sweeping from the top of her head to the soles of her shoes with an unbridled attitude I struggled to contain.

"If you are a maid, you should know that you should wear your uniform. Not dress up," she scolds strictly, as if she owns the place, eliciting a scoff of disbelief and a light chuckle from me. "Don't you follow the rules? They weren't set to be ignored."

"Excuse you," I speak sharply with a bitter chuckle and a menacing stride towards her, as her insolent behavior seems to be provoking a physical confrontation, which I am capable of engaging in.

It might teach her a lesson.

Who is she to be suggesting what I do here? And if I was a maid, why be so damn rude as if she was never thought about respect.

I raise my eyebrows at her and inquire, "Why do you assume I am a maid and not someone else?"  I observe her reaction as she reciprocates with a similar eyebrow tip without any alteration in her acrid behavior.

She begins to speak, her eyes narrow into a piercing glare aimed directly at me. "Listen closely," she says, her tone heavy with a authority. "I am familiar with every member of both the D'piero and Giordano families. This means that..." I can't help but emit a derisive chuckle, expressing my disbelief and defiance. The self-proclaimed owner of the house then takes a step forward as if daring me to challenge her. "And I know all their associates... which means you are of no significance to them," she says with bitterness, exuding pride in her supposed knowledge. "So I will ask you once more..." she removes a piece of hair from her face, scowling at me. "It's fine. This foolishness always happens with the new maids..."

I couldn't help but compress a smile to myself.

This girl just keeps giving me a hell of jokes, which I can't handle, and the fact that she thinks she is the boss of things around here and damn well knows nothing makes it even more fun.

Her assertiveness makes me a bit curious to know who she is to think she can talk to me the way she is.

"What are you smiling about?" She hisses coldly, irritated by my smile when I should be intimidated and scared.

I speak up, correcting her assumption, "I believe you've confused me for a maid, but I am not. Please be more careful in your judgments of others. It's not a good look for you, and it's not your strength. Your tendency to judge others only makes you appear unattractive." As I watch her taken-aback expression, I can not help but smirk in satisfaction.

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