Author's note-PLEASE READ

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Hey, peaches!

Here's the thing, the book is not done as we all know, but I need your help figuring out whether or not I should do a continuation of part two after this author's note or make another book which will be book two.

P.S. I should have you know whatever is in part two will be in the book no difference. I just want to know how should I publish it. I am not sure if I should make a new book because I don't want to lose my readers, as you know, I am not that popular with my work.

And there are also too many chapters here!

It's up to all of you to make a choice and if you do choose to do a book itself, y'all better make me a book cover for it. 💁‍♀️

BTW did you think I'd let Alessandro and Adrienne's story end right there? 😳

Come on, you guys don't think Alessandro deserves to be happy? And Y'all need to cut my girl some slack too!

I know you guys want answers for all the cliffhangers but they will all be explained in the following part or book (y'all choose) and you guys would all be less curious.

However, who do you think is the father of the baby Adrienne is carrying? That is if the baby is alive.....or if Adrienne will be able to keep it safe?

Find out in the next part or book!

And oh, how was the end of the book?

The spice and Alessandro and Adrienne love story is not over but it just began.

Give me your thoughts on the following part and tell me what you hated and liked.



P.S. I am giving y'all five days to decide what y'all prefer!

A part 2 that will continue after the author's note or a book 2?

Alessandro 16+ / Book 1Where stories live. Discover now