Chapter 53: Taken

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Alessandro's POV

Alessandro's past

Pulling the door open, I stride outside of my bedroom, the hooker that I fucked following close behind, whining about things I do not care about.

Let us say last night, like every other night, was an incredibly long one.

We step into the living room, finding Giovanni seated on the couch, engrossed in some files. These are the files that I was supposed to review, but once again, I have forgotten.

I can already anticipate the frustration he will feel when he sees me.

"Good morning, brother," I greet him, causing his head to snap towards me, a sigh escaping his lips when he sees the half-naked hooker behind me.

"You forgot to go through the files again," he says, his arms crossing over his chest as he leans against the couch, casting a stern glare in my direction. "And do not even try to tell me you assigned Ares to handle them because you did not. What the hell is going on with you these days?" Frustration and disbelief are etched across his face as he shakes his head, and I let out a weary sigh.

As the eldest brother, I should be setting a good example, but something has changed recently. There is a shift in me, and I cannot quite put my finger on it.

"Why have you become this person? Just a few months ago, you were fully committed to your duties as a king, taking your responsibilities seriously, even when still fucking everything that passes your way, but now you are not doing your duty as a king? Getting fucking drunk all the damn time?" His cold, penetrating gaze holds me in a familiar grip, reflecting the shared hardness within us.

We may not be so different after all.

"Brother, what I choose to do is my own affair. I know what I am doing," I assert, striding toward the door to let out the hooker.

"Yes, of course. I am well fucking aware of that," he retorts sharply. "But it also becomes our concern when you engage in such recklessness when you have fucking enemies out there waiting for not only yours, but OUR downfall. Did you forget who you are-"

"Of course, I did not forget who I am!" I snap back at him, turning to open the door for the hooker. "Get the fuck out." I hiss, and she listens. Such a good girl. "And do not come back."

"Then why behave this way? So reckless and giving the enemies more opportunity to come after you! Us! Being this drunk is making yourself vulnerable, brother! And not doing your duties is unlike a king!"

Slamming the door shut, I walk towards him. "I do my fucking duties as a king!" I hiss at him in rage, feeling my blood boil.

"Oh yes!? Tell me one fucking thing you have done in the last two months! Because all the work is on Ares and me. Every fucking bit of it because you are somewhat too busy to do them and always MIA. You are busy fucking sluts and drinking and getting your ass intoxicated, making yourself a target to our enemies! Tell me one thing you have done, brother, one damn thing?!" Rage engulfs him, surging through his veins like a tempest.

My brother has always possessed a fiery temper. One that I could never hope to match.

I avoid his icy gaze, darting my eyes everywhere but his, aware of the undeniable truth in his words.

I have not been myself lately, although I can not deny that I was never truly myself, to begin with. This life, this path I find myself on, it was all thrust upon me, upon us, against our will.

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