Chapter 55: Alessandro's secret

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Adrienne's POV

In my newly arranged bedroom, my outfit for today rests neatly on the expanse of my queen-size bed, handpicked by my nemesis Angelo.

The bed is adorned with pristine white sheets accompanied by four plush pillows, while a white canopy net drapes elegantly overhead, connecting to dark brown banisters on either side.

The first thing I did when I entered the bedroom was search for an escape and noticed the iron bars behind the windows, concealed by hanging grey curtains that the sun blazes through.

Of course, I would've looked for an escape, I need to leave, but I am imprisoned, surrounded day and night by his soldiers.

I am so unfortunate.

If my bedroom is fortified with bars, and I have men trailing behind my asshole, it means there is no other way out.

Once again, I find myself trapped within the confines of a malevolent kingdom, yet this time, there is someone who can rescue me.


In the past, my imprisonment meant awaiting an inevitable demise or enduring torture, but now my focus lies solely on Alessandro.

I believe he will save me; my hope rests with him.

Regardless of the risks involved, he has always come through for me, assuring me that he will be there no matter the circumstances.

I hold him to that, and I will wait because I believe and trust in him.

The color scheme of my new bedroom reflects a soothing black hue, accentuated by a shimmering chandelier suspended from the white ceiling.

Although the bedroom is dimly lit, there is sufficient illumination to perceive my surroundings, while there are a few pieces of art and crafts that have been provided by him.

And I am grateful to have my own bathroom and closet, despite my hate for being here.

My privacy and hygiene are important.

Angelo expects me to join him for lunch shortly, which I will not mind because my hunger is overwhelming. I am famished, sick, and drained, and a satisfying meal would undoubtedly provide immense relief.

Without hesitation, I step into the bathroom and then under the invigorating spray of the shower, trying to keep myself from falling into weariness and immense hunger.

As the water cascades over my body, a sigh escapes my lips, and my eyes roll back in blissful pleasure. "Oh, God," I breathe, gasping in delight as the warm water soothes my skin.

It feels like an eternity since I last showered, and the sensation is so exquisite that I yearn to remain here forever, solely for that blissful experience.

During the shower, despite the soothing warmth enveloping me, tears stream down my face and I weep profusely, allowing my emotions to flow freely, unable to accept being captive to Alessandro's worst enemy.

After the shower, I dress, shedding a few more tears before composing myself for lunch with the vile, heartless, evil man.

With a heavy heart, I exit my bedroom and venture into the dimly lit hallway, sighing when the two bodyguards start trailing behind me.

"God..." I growl, knowing I'll have to go through this with Angelo.

Fuck. Me.

The hallway shares the same black and white shade as my bedroom, adorned with large portraits and pictures hanging on the concrete walls.

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