Chapter 41: Revenge

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Everything around my existence slows down as my bowels, and my chest tightens in dread and shock.

My breathing stems inside my throat after my body manages to release a quavering breath of terror from his heart-stopping words, fear becoming palpable and freezing my body.

My heart throbs inside my throat, threatening to burst from the trepidation and atrocity that fills my now uncontrollably quivering body.

A gasp of horror leaves my throat when the figure shoves the barrel of the loaded gun against my head, a small whimper escaping my lips.

I can't believe this is happening.

My eyes slide shut with uncertainty about what to do, but at the same time, something has to be done because it is either death or a fight.

I compress a deep breath before sliding my eyes open.

"Walk," his deep voice coldly states, his voice making me jump in timidness, gulping a lump down my throat, obeying. I take another deep breath, trying to keep myself calm, even when I feel like fainting in dread and panic.

With each step I take, my feet hesitate to move, causing the figure to use the barrel of the gun to force me forward, making me jerk in fright, gasping at the sensation.

It does not take long for us to come across a large brown door with two unconscious guards lying on the floor, the sight making me gulp.

Whoever this person was, had this well organized.

There is no doubt that they will kill me, so I have to do something to prevent my life from being taken.

I continued taking deep breaths, making my body console even when it was impossible, I tried, feeling my bowels loosen up, but my heart still throbbed against my chest with dread.

As we became closer to the door, I thought of my escape plan, quickly going through it in my head, hoping I would be able to get through it without getting myself killed.

"Open the door," his husky voice hisses into my ear, startling me. "Slowly go through," he forces his gun at the back of my head, and I sigh, slowly taking my step.

"Why-why are you doing this?" I mumble, swallowing the fear inside my stomach, placing my quivering hand on the doorknob and turning it.

I push the door open, the cold wind meeting my body, cooling each exposed skin, and blowing my hair all over my face.

"Because you are worthwhile."

After he stated his four words, I spend my elbow into his chest arduously, causing him to grunt in agony.

Immediately, he gasps, loosening his hand from around my body. Within a split second, I saw my opportunity and acted, grasping hold of his wrist that held the gun, wrenching it away from me, the sound of his wrist breaking when I did.

A cry of pain burst from his lips and his gun slips from his hand.

My fist connects fiercely with his face, sending him reeling backward, and without hesitation, I lung for the fallen weapon and train it on him, my heart racing and adrenaline pumping through my veins.

But before I could even take a moment to catch my breath, I hear the unmistakable sound of multiple guns cocking in unison.

The realization hit me like a punch to the gut as I realize I am surrounded, outnumbered, and outgunned.

My eyes slide shut and open with a sigh of defeat.

Fuck. Me.

The strange man that I tackled quickly regains his footing and stands tall.

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