Chapter 15: Pain

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Adrienne's POV

My feet become my enemy, betraying my ability to move, escape, flee.

To do anything.

Even though it is impossible when Alessandro's large muscled torso and broad shoulders block me in, his immense height towering over my small trembling frame.

Two steps are what I somehow manage to make backwards, not knowing what else to do as my mind keeps being in apprehension, shock that he found me.

He fucking found me! I am good as dead.

Wipe from existence, as if I was even there to begin.

Terror washes over me, lifting the hairs on the back of my neck, as my mouth runs dry with dread.

I can hardly breathe, my chest heaving rapidly, my heart racing as if it wants to escape my ribcage, and my trembling lips quivering slightly apart in fear.

My eyes watch as he takes a menacing step toward me, his atrocious smile lingering over his pink lips, and I take another step back, my feet feeling heavy, almost frozen.

My eyes are also my enemy. They are endangering my life by being plastered into his luminous dark and merciless ones that narrow ruthlessly at me.

His once icy blue eyes have turned into a deep, dark blue, akin to the unforgiving shallows of the ocean.

I shake my head, endeavoring to hold back the tears that threaten to spill.

I can not break before him.

The next step towards me, the raw smell of blood takes over my nostrils, and soon or later I know that will be mine, my blood, my smell.

My eyes blur with terror, making it difficult to see the devil before me, causing me to miss when he launched forward.

The next thing I know is being shoved into the bathroom wall, my throat tightly held and my head tilted upwards so that I can face up at him, noticing his face wiped off that deadly smile, now replaced with a dark look that reads nothing but wrath and barbarity.

His warm breath brushes my face, leaving me trembling, feeling utterly powerless to defend myself as his face draws closer, causing my breath to catch in my throat.

Confused about what he is doing, my hands quickly go towards his rising hard chest, pressing against the smooth surface of his muscled torso, as I try to stop him from getting closer to me.

The impact of my hand causes his entire posture to freeze just close enough to my face that I can taste the whiskey on his warm breath, his eyes locked with mine.

He takes a deep breath, inhaling my scent, which might be sweat, making my blood run cold, and my body shudder at the sensation that pours through me; horror and trepidation.

His head suddenly leans down as he buries his face in the crook of my neck, my weak spot, making me stop breathing from the impact, the warmth of his body taking over mine, somewhat feeling velvety even at a time like this.

"Such a disobedient girl," his deep voice snarls against my skin, a sigh leaving my lips at the feeling it sends through my body, my eyes sliding shut.

His grip around my throat tightens, making me writhe under his touch, moving my legs to try to get away from him, but they don't get far enough when he shoves his knee against my inner thighs, a gasp leaving my lips from the sensation.

"Do. Not. Fucking. Move." His ruthless and vicious voice growls dangerously, making me tense my muscles, trembling with nervousness.

I hiss under my breath, feeling a tear slip from the corner of my eye, the dread never leaving me.

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