Chapter 58: Nightmare & Hallucination

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It has been a week since my best friend was murdered before my eyes, and I've not been the same ever since.

I am damaged and numb, completely broken.

Ripped apart and cannot be put back together.

I haven't spoken a single word, eaten a proper meal, or experienced a peaceful night's sleep since that morning.

Whenever I close my eyes, her lifeless and bloody image haunts me, shattering my heart into even smaller fragments.

No matter how many days pass, it remains incredibly difficult to accept her loss because I know it was never supposed to happen.

Leah was meant to grow old alongside me, sharing the joy of grandchildren we would adore and spoil.

We had dreams of exploring the world together, conquering new horizons. The pain of realizing these dreams will never come true and that she is truly dead cuts deep.

Why does everyone I love, everyone that loves me, go away? I can't understand why I can't be worthy of love.

I can't understand...I lose everything!

Perhaps my mother was right.

I don't deserve love.

For the heart-wrenching week, I've confined myself in my supposed bedroom, unable to shed tears because I've already exhausted them through countless breakdowns.

The pain of losing Leah permeates every fiber of my body, mercilessly tormenting my already damaged heart.

Since losing my father and Dominic, my heart has never been whole, but Alessandro managed to heal it to a certain extent, enabling me to learn to love myself and overcome the lack of love I've sought from my family for years.

But now, with Leah's death, my heart feels torn once again.

She has taken away my soul and everything that defined me.

Leah was never supposed to leave me; she was my best all...


No matter how many times my heart is painstakingly patched together, there always seems to be something or someone waiting to tear it apart once more.

I can't manage any more loss, hurt, or anything.

I can't! I can't!

My body can't handle it!


My body can't...

I can see the physical toll this grief has taken on my body because I've shed a few pounds during this period of unbearable sorrow.

Looking at myself in the mirror fills me with disgust as I appear pale, emaciated, and drained, my sleep-deprived state evident. Despite countless attempts, I cannot find solace in sleep, my eyes refusing to close.

Lying in bed, lost in my whirlwind of thoughts, my eyes burn as they fixate on the ceiling.

Seven days have passed, and Alessandro has not found me, has not rescued me from this anguish. Though hope threatens to wane, I refuse to let it go.

I know he will save me, and I will continue to wait until he does.

Alessandro will not allow me to remain in this despair. He cares too much...he cares for me, and I need him.

He's all I have left.

He's all I can rely on.

Lost in my thoughts, I didn't notice Angelo's entrance until the door closed behind him.

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