Chapter 68: Caged

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Alessandro's POV

Throughout my life, I never considered myself capable of loving a woman romantically. I viewed it as a weakness because that is how I was taught. My affection was reserved solely for my family and was the only love I understood and desired.

I grew up without knowing how to love a woman who was not related to me. People labeled me a monster, not just because I was a ruthless mafia king but also how I treated women as if they were objects.

I was never good in any sense and had no intention of ever getting married, but I later realized that as a true king, I needed a queen by my side at the age of twenty-four, as it was believed that a queen made a king more powerful.

When I decided to buy Adriana, I had no intention of loving her. Initially, when I heard about Lucilla's offer, I had no plans to accept it, but my little sister reminded me of my duty as a king and what it entailed, so I considered it before eventually accepting the offer, not intending to love or care for Adriana, but with the idea that we could both have other discreet relationships.

As the deal progressed, I received a deeply disturbing picture of her. I describe it as disturbing because the moment I saw that image I knew I wanted more than just her as a queen by my side.

I knew I would love her someday; it was unavoidable. Something inside me changed the moment I saw that picture as if I were compelled.

She had me from that moment, even before we met in person. When we finally did meet, my feelings intensified, and I became obsessed. I knew I did not just want her to be my queen; I did not want to force her into a loveless marriage, but I wanted to give her the chance to develop genuine feelings for me as I already did for her.

During that time, I found myself falling in love deeply and uncontrollably. My love for Adriana made me vulnerable in ways I never thought possible, ways that could have put me in grave danger.

But it also gave me strength.

She made me feel invincible, knowing she was by my side every step of the way. She was there when I needed to be taken care of, even during my most extreme moments.

She transformed me into a man I was never meant to be but needed to become. She made me whole, providing a power I never knew I lacked.

I fell deeply in love with her, so deeply that I would risk everything for her. This was something my younger self never would have imagined, considering it pointless back then, except for my sisters and brother.

Adriana took hold of me, capturing my soul, my heart, my dignity, and everything I had to offer.

She possessed me entirely.

She is the only reason I live, my princess.

She owns me.

The moment I realized I loved her, I knew she was the one I would love forever because she accomplished what no one else could.

But then she hurt me.

She. Hurt. Me.

She broke me, something no one else had ever done, simply because my love for her ran too deep.

Expressing my love for her pains my heart and brings tears to my eyes.

My love for her is boundless.

I gave her everything, a love that did not exist until she came along, and she, in return, ripped my heart out of my chest. She broke me, causing both emotional and physical agony.

I have never experienced such drastic suffering before; that is the power she has over me.

I am lost, and I can not tell who I am anymore.

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