Chapter 61: Vulnerable

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Two weeks later

Time passes swiftly, and strangely enough, everything seems to fall into an unexpectedly normal routine, and I hate to say almost perfect. Yet within me, the pain still seethes fiercely, inside and out. Despite this, I can't deny that the days have been remarkable, all thanks to Angelo.

Shocking, but yes.

He's been unbelievably good. You could not have thought this was the real him. He made me laugh so much. We played games, watched so many movies, laughed and cried, and I even did his hair.

It was so soft and worth touching.

In those moments with him, life felt suspended, and we got lost in our moments, forgetting the harsh reality that surrounds us.

A few times I forgot that I was in unbearable, painful agony, but shortly it returns, especially during the lonely late nights.

And though I had hopes to be saved for days, they all dropped after a few more, and I stopped waiting and started accepting and moving on.

It isn't easy, and the nights prove to be the toughest trials, but I can sense myself gradually healing and regaining a semblance of happiness.

In recent days, I experienced happiness, one I had lost before but managed to regain, and despite lingering pain and grief that won't entirely fade, I finally lost my hope in Alessandro.

It was the most challenging aspect of my decision because he brought greatness into my life, hope, contentment, and love before I broke again after being here, and even though Angelo had brought me pain, I must come to terms with the reality that this is now my life, and I need to embrace it fully- accepting every aspect of it.

I started to understand that loss will always be a part of my life, and no matter what, I will face the pain of losing those I care about.

Despite this harsh truth, I resolve to move on and find happiness even in their absence.

I have to accept losses. It's the only way I will's the only way I will survive now, so I am just going to be happy.

It's the least I can do.

That I keep telling myself, that I've been reminding myself...

To be happy, to forget, accept and move on.

Slamming the master door shut, I walk inside the mansion in boredom, knowing after those fun days, Angelo became distant, and I suspect the reason why.

We both were waiting for Alessandro and his family to be vulnerable and be easily taken and killed, which I am thrilled hadn't happened, but Angelo seemed to be dissatisfied and pissed, trying to figure things out and come up with new plans and although he appears disappointed and frustrated, I choose to confront him.

Knocking on his door, I enter without his response, finding him running his hand through his long hair. "You look stressed,'' I remark, closing the door, and he looks up at me.

Despite knowing he could still kill me, I pretend everything is normal between us.

"I think you know why," he replies with a sigh.

I nod my head before I make my way over to his desk, leaning against it. "I do, but tell me. Do you want to kill me after everything?" I ask, looking down at him while he looks up at me expressionlessly.

"It was always the plan, love," he mutters, tapping his fingers, and I hum, turning and sitting on the desktop, my back to his front.

"But do you really want to kill me? I know if you really wanted to, I would've been dead for a while now, and I had been waiting, but now, do you really?"

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