Chapter 11: Threat

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Quickly, I pivot myself to Alessandro with a worried expression over my face, worried about him conspiring something despicable to Axel. My best friend's father and I can not allow that.

This man is atrocious. "Tell me you're not going to kill anyone tonight?" I demand, getting anxious.

"I am not going to kill anyone tonight," he repeats with a brazen, callous smile.

I send a disapproving expression towards him, clenching my teeth tightly as he appears to take pleasure in causing me distress.

"I'm not joking! Swear to me that you won't do anything!"

"I cannot promise you anything, Adriana. I thought you knew me better than that," his eyes go back to Leah's father, who is greeting people before his eyes catch sight of us, causing him to start his way over.

"I know nothing about you," I groan at him irritatedly. "And that does not answer my query! Alessandro, please, you can't hurt him..." I plead with imploring eyes, but he disregards my appeal and persists in watching Axel's approach, his eyes conveying hostility, indicating that they are not friends but enemies.

Oh, God.

"Alessandro, good to see you," speaks Axel in his deep voice.

Though it may not have the commanding strength that Alessandro possesses and doesn't intimidate him, it still conveys that Axel is a powerful man.

"Axel," Alessandro's deep and husky voice rumbles in a vicious growl, his posture remaining casual, but the coldness in his tone and the unyielding sharpness in his eyes betrays danger that sends shivers down my spine.

The air between us suddenly feels thick with tension, and the atmosphere takes on a toxic and deadly vibe, leaving me with apprehension.

Axel smiles and greets me with a friendly tone, but the situation seems tense. "Adrienne, it's good to see you, although I wish it were under better circumstances. When my daughter told me what happened, I didn't believe it at first. I couldn't imagine that your mother would go to such extremes," he shake his head as if in disbelief. "However, now I understand the gravity of the situation and want to wish you nothing but the best."

I acknowledge him with a slight nod as he shifts his attention to Alessandro, who appears intimidating and cold.

"I cannot say the same..." Alessandro continues from where they left off. "Now cut the una schifezza and tell me why I should not murder you right here at this very moment?" He hisses, making my eyes stretch from their sockets. Murder! "In front of all these people who would not dare to do anything?"

There is no way I am going to let that happen.

Axel can't die!

His life is crucial to his family, and I care about. He's family. "Wait, what-" I begin trying to get to the bottom of this and save lives.

"Stay. Out. Of. This, Adriana," Alessandro scowls darkly as his eyes narrows at me.

Quickly, I fall silent, realizing I don't want to oppose him while he's furious. Soon, I start to think about what might happen next, making my heart race with fear and anticipation.

I can't let anything happen to Axel!

Even though I know I can't beat Alessandro, I'm determined to stop him from carrying out his plans with Axel.

Suddenly, Axel interrupts my thinking with a loud cough and gets closer to Alessandro in a threatening way. Alessandro, though, stays firm where he is, giving Axel an fierce and challenging dark look.

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