Chapter 7: My sweet girl

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Alessandro's POV

The brisk breeze of the high-end wind rushes against my skin with urgency, piercing through the stillness of the early morning atmosphere.

It dances playfully, causing my hair to ruffle and rustle, as if engaged in a secret conversation with nature itself.

The surroundings remain cloaked in darkness, untouched by the presence of people, creating an ambiance that resonates perfectly with my preferences.

The time is around four-thirty in the morning, and I absolutely relish the tranquility that envelops this space, making it an ideal setting for doing business or crime, devoid of prying eyes or the risk of unwarranted consequences.

Inside a dark and abandoned alley in the middle of nowhere.

With narrowed eyes, I observe as the black truck approaches, comes to a stop, and its doors swing open, revealing nine men clad in gray suits. "Dónde está? (Where is it)," I inquire icily, my voice exuding a chilling and ominous tone.

One of the men signals to six of his comrades, and I fixate my gaze on them as they proceed towards the rear of the truck, likely retrieving what I had requested.

I appreciate having to do business swift without any complications.

After a brief minute, they return, each carrying two large crates filled with weaponry.

Positioning the crates amidst us, I emit a satisfied hum, observing them with a cold and intimidating look that seems to impact them, evident in their continuous fondling of their guns and unwavering gaze fixed on me.

Anthony, Tony, and ten others of my soldiers watching prepared for what is to come next, their hands resting close to their guns.

"Todas las armas están aquí! (All the weapons are there)" He speaks, gesturing to the crates before me. "Diez millones, como hablamos! (Ten million, as we talked about.)"

Silently, I adjust my blazer observing the men who gaze at me, anticipating the moment when I will surrender my money as discussed, but I have different plans.

"Secure them," I command my soldiers, observing as four of them stride toward the crates, swiftly retrieving them and carrying them to our awaiting truck.

With precision, they carefully place the crates inside and seal the doors shut.

"Dónde está el dinero? (Where is the money)" One of them asks, his irascible voice impatient. I loathe impatient people. It is amusing how I am impatient myself.

"Ah, si," I speak sternly, turning to Tony next to me, already staring at me and awaiting my request. "Tony?" My voice atrociously calls out.

"Yes, boss," he gives me a terse nod in understanding, turning towards our truck while they all turn their attention back towards me.

The man they all fear.

It is such a fucking shame that their boss fucked me over a few weeks ago. If only they knew how pissed I am. How bloodthirsty I am for that. They thought I did not remember. Ah, wait, and they will see.

Within moments, the resounding echoes of gunfire erupts as my soldiers fires bullets on the men before us, each bullet finding its mark, and piercing the bodies of the nine men who stand in defiance, their bodies crumpling to the ground as blood seeps from their wounds, creating pools of crimson.

Only one among them clung to life, enduring immeasurable agony.

The messenger.

Striding towards him, my eyes glare down at the body, gasping and grunting in pain while staring up at me with horror and apprehension.

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