Chapter 63: The bride

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Please y'all play the song🔝

The enchanting melody starts to flow in soothing harmony, perfect for a wedding song, capturing the attention of the wedding attendees, who rise in honor of the bride and soon-to-be queen.

All sports full of somber black attire as if attending a funeral, which marrying is really is, all adorned in lavish fancy dresses and luxurious suits, having looks of authority and elegance.

On my first step down the aisle, my eyes meet him, the man I betrothed myself to and will now rule by his side with the power I've been running from.

His tall and slender frame is adorned in an impeccable black suit paired with a black bow tie as he stands with a straight and commanding posture, exuding majesty and power, his hair slicked back, accentuating his handsome face that never fails to remind me how attractive he truly is.

He dons an exquisite black watch and a collection of rings on most fingers, leaving one particular one.

His dark eyes read nothing as they scan me from the large alter with the awaiting priest, and I slowly glide across the gleaming black marble floors, adorned with deep red rose petals, guided by their path as my heels make faint echoes within the dark brown church, accompanied by the bridal song.

In front of me, where my fiancé stands, a brilliant chandelier hangs, casting its glow on him and illuminating the rich, polished wood of the church interior.

Alongside me, on the chair handles, white flowers are carefully arranged, while adjacent to the chairs on the floor, flickering candles light my path to the altar.

My long veil conceals my face, making me a mystery to the attendees who have no idea who the great Angelo Rossi is marrying and let rule by his side, the veil's length surpassing even the trailing sweep of my dress, gliding along the tiles as I walk.

As I near the altar, I can feel my palms becoming sweaty with anxiety, my grips around the flowers tightening, and heavy breaths leaving my lips.

Not once do my eyes leave his face as I walk closer to him, knowing I find it hard to remove them from his, his dark eyes capturing me along with its darkness that I will be locked with for as long as I live.

I pause in front of him, a wave of realization washing over me. I'm truly going through with this.

Lifting my dress, I ascend the steps, offering my bouquet to someone before turning to my groom, a smirk adorning his face, making my stomach tighten as I gaze at him.

The man whose last name I'd soon have.

"Hello, love."


Alessandro's POV

During the ceremony.

"We fight tonight. We are going to save Adriana, so I need all of you prepared. It will be a blood bath," I address my soldiers as I reload my guns on a table laden with weapons. "There is no guarantee everyone makes it through tonight or the impending war after we save her. But you all volunteered for this; it is a risk worth taking." They nod in agreement, and I acknowledge in approval. "Good. Ready the weapons and soldiers and load the vehicles. I will contact Donte when the time comes," my commanding voice asserts.

Securing my guns in my pockets, I turn away as my men continue their tasks.

Walking through the hall, I head for the exit, intending to go home.

My family remains oblivious to what I am going to do, a secret I am determined to keep, knowing I would rather prevent their betrayal or any interference with my plan to save my girl.

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