Chapter 64: I waited

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"Hello, Ares," I say, meeting his gaze as he stares back in shock. "Mind if I step inside?" I ask, my heart racing.

He shakes his head, clearly trying to make sense of the situation. "How-how did you get here...?" His eyes scan me up and down, and I muster a faint smile, raising my left hand to reveal the answer. His eyes widen. "Wait...what-what?" He takes a step back, allowing me to enter, and promptly closes the door.

I sigh as the memories of this place start flooding back to me.

Every. Bit. Of. It.

He made me so happy. He taught me what love is, and it's him because I learned to love, and I love him now and always.

"You're married..." his voice comes out dumbfounded as he stares at me with bulge eyes. "It's marr...?" He can't dare finish his sentence, and I nod, removing my eyes from his as I see astonishment take him over once more.

Yes, I know how shocking it is Ares I know.

"Alessandro se va a volver loco (Alessandro is going to go fucking mad)," he mutters fast, and I pivot my gaze to him, watching as he runs his hand through his hair.

"W-where is he?" I question weakly, knowing I have to see him even though I dread the pain I would feel at the sight of him, knowing I am leaving him.

I also need to see him to know why he didn't save me when for weeks I had hoped he would, but instead, he left me to suffer.

"He's inside the study. He's been in there a while."

"Thank you," I reply, my throat tight with anxiety.

With a gulp, I turn away from him and head towards Alessandro's study, my body growing increasingly tense.

This is not as easy as I thought.

Why would I even think it would be easy when he's the love of my life?

"Adrienne?" Ares calls my name, and I turn to face him. "I must say, I'm really digging the new look. It suits you, a good different." He exhales softly, his gaze fixed on me. "I'm genuinely happy to see you again." A small smile graces his lips, and I mirror it before turning away.

Good to see him too.

I forgot to mention a small detail about myself. I've straightened my hair, and it has become my signature style. I used to sport voluminous curls, but I recently chopped it to shoulder length and dyed it blonde.

Things have changed, and so have I.

The closer I get to Alessandro's study door, the more apprehensive I get to see him and talk about unbearable things before bringing us to an end.

Knocking against the wooden door, I do not wait until he answers as I open it, walking inside and catching him by surprise. He quickly lifts his head from staring at his desktop, where he had a pocket knife twirling through his fingers, but stopped by the sight of me.

Two empty bottles of tequila and bourbon next to him, letting me know he was drinking.

The first difference I witnessed about him is the tin mustache adorning his face and the beard, making him appear older but still as handsome as the last time I saw him.

His beauty never fails to impress me.

A deep, weighted sigh burst from my slightly parted and quivering lips as my amazed, weak eyes scan him.

His hair is a mess, but it doesn't take away his majestic allure that makes me feel things.

My gaze drifts downward to his chest, adorned in a crisp white dress shirt, three buttons casually left undone, while the sleeves are casually rolled up to his elbows, revealing his intricate tattoos and robust physique.

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