Chapter 30: Desire

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The moment you've all been waiting for ;-)

Warms, soft, ravenous lips massages my neck, wet tongue caressing my burning skin, stopping the air from my lungs and causing me to gasp in the pleasure of feeling his mouth against my skin, sucking it, his warm mouth melting my insides.

Hard cock presses against my soaking, pulsing and heated pussy as he sucks my skin while I press further onto his cock that I desire.

Unexpectedly he pulls back away from me, making me growl for him to keep kissing me. Taste him. Taste what I've been missing.


His hands let my thighs loose, making me slide from his body and onto my feet, confused, looking up at him while panting fast.

With his dark eyes staring down at me, his lips parted with small breaths he speaks. "Get on your knees, princess," it is not a request. It is an order, and I do just that.

I am on my knees before him, his eyes staring down at me darkly, possessiveness and provocation present there.

His hands reach for his belt, and he starts undoing it.

My hungry eyes watch as he pulls his trouser and boxer down altogether. Let me tell you, heaven, my dream wasn't lying when it said his cock was much bigger closer up.

Because it is.

How will it fit inside my tiny mouth? Or my vagina?

Unexpectedly he uses his cock to smack against the sides of my face, groaning while he looks down at me with dark and dangerous eyes, my lips parted and ready to take his side of my mouth. "Such perfect size for you," he hisses, then stops smacking his cock against my cheeks.

"Touch it, little whore, before I choke you. Choke all the nasty words from that tiny mouth," his low voice whispers with danger and forbidden promises.

My hands hesitate, but I touch the hard, thick cock lingering before my face. "It's huge," my voice mutters softly, my eyes glancing up at Alessandro  staring down at me with acceptance.

Pleased to see me on my knees.

He smirks at me. "I know, sweetheart, just like my fucking ego. Now put your lips around the tip, little whore," I do what I am told, my small lips wrapping around the massive cock. "Good girl, so good. Suck me," he hisses, and I begin to suck on his cock, lowering my head, feeling how it rips my mouth open to accept him inside. A loud moan leaves him, and I sink my head even more, taking him as far as I can. "Proprio così. (Just like that)."

My eyes roll when his massive cock hits the back of my throat, already watering my eyes.

I begin bobbling my head, stabbing his cock inside my throat, still feeling the largeness stretching my lips open. "You have no idea how long I waited to choke you," his voice growls dangerously. "That sassy little mouth, you fucking whore."

Moaning against him, I pull my head back, catching some breath, before spitting on his cock, using my hands to massage the length and its thickness, groaning at it.

I use my tongue to lick each of the veins over his massive cock, moaning at the feeling before I suck on both sides, licking the tip off and swirling my tongue over it, my actions turning me on even more, and dousing my pulsating pussy.

I taste his pre-cum inside my mouth, and I groan, sucking and swallowing the sweet taste of him.

Covering my mouth back over his cock, I start bobbling my head fast and hard, sucking on his cock, feeling the tip touch my throat. "Fuck, keep going," he hisses, and I begin at a deep, even faster pace, bobbling my head, the sound of his cock hitting my throat resounding inside the room, my eyes shedding tears as I keep going, sucking his cock, feeling my pussy drenching with horniness. "Perfect."

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