Chapter 35: My story

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Alessandro lays next to me while I get from the bed, a bit nervous to do what he requested me to do even when I got fucked like that, and I was far from being nervous.

A small chuckle leaves his lips as I make my way over to him, and I roll my eyes, knowing what he's laughing at.

I was wobbling while I walked, and he freaking thought it was funny when he was the one that made me this way.


"Shut up," I roll my eyes standing over his body, looking down at him while he looks at me from underneath. "You did this," my face starts flushing while I look at him, smirking at me.

"I know that I did. I am so fucking pleased that you will not be able to forget it. Every fucking second you will know I fucked you," he whispers provocatively, staring at me with dark eyes. "You will remember who owns you and that cunt with my cum dripping from, my little whore."

My face was red as a tomato, my blood boiling, and I turn away from him, feeling orgasm sliding from my thighs, which he mentioned.

"What are you waiting for, slut? Sit on my face," after his words his hands' grasp hold of my legs before he yanks me down on his face, a loud gasp leaving my lips from the impact, my eyes rolling to the back of my head when he begins eating me out and moving my body back and forth, growling under me.

"Fuck," I hiss, panting heavily, moaning and biting on my bottom lip, my hands quickly grabbing the headrest, rocking myself with him, his mouth devouring my pussy that drips with desire, my eyes sliding shut in ecstasy. "Yes..."

His mouth eats me out gracefully, in ways that make my body helpless, eyes to water, his mouth moving at the perfect pace, his hands swaying me back and forth, moaning against me.

"God, yes, Papi," I whimper, feeling the ache returning but slowly fading. "Yes," I groan, riding his face, a loud sob leaving my lips when his tongue slides into my wet pussy, causing me to growl out in satisfaction and pleasure, my grips around the headrest tightening and my head dropping back in delight. "God!"

His tongue thrusts upwards inside me, stabbing into my pussy pleasingly.

"Fuck," I my hands tense around the headrest, and my head weakly falls forward in ecstasy, delight, and satisfaction when he begins stabbing his tongue into my pussy fast as though he's on a important mission, "Si, Alessandro!" I nip my bottom lip, growling while his tongue fucks me like the dirty girl I am. "Si, Si! Shit..."

Alessandro moans against me, fucking even harder, which I thought was impossible, emitting my body more vulnerable than it is, having me under a damn spell.

Alessandro starts eating me out, slow and steadily as though he is savoring my taste, making me see stars and feel contentment.

His mouth circles my area softly, relishing me, eating me as gradually as he could go, not wanting this to finish.

He moans against me, his grips tightening around my thighs, as his fingers sink into my flesh.

His tongue slides through my slits, and my eyes roll in ecstasy before he starts nibbling on my folds, sucking them hard and desperately, making me cry in gratification.

His tongue slides over my swollen clit and his lips wraps around it as he starts sucking on it with a violent pace. "Oh, fuck, Papi," I whimper, feeling my muscles tightening as i ascend my climax. "Alessandro! Si!"

I start grinding against his face harder with sobs and loud whimpers.


My body quivers, eyes rolling to the back of my head as pleasure soars through me like a intoxicated drug. "Oh, God!" I throw my head back releasing heavily over his mouth, screaming his name as though it is my own prayer.

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