Chapter 34: Lustfully regrets

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Two days pass by in a blur, as if time itself relishes the excitement of seeing Alessandro, while I, unfortunately, do not share in that sentiment.

It seems as though the universe is constantly conspiring against me.

What have I done to warrant such hostility from the cosmos?

Morning breaks, and I descend the stairs, clad in black thigh shorts and a matching tank top. It's a dreary Monday, with Giana having her classes and me left with nothing to occupy my time.

However, I desperately need to divert my thoughts away from Alessandro, though they persistently haunt every passing second.

I could be engaging in training right now, but Stefano insisted that I am already fully prepared for anything, rendering such endeavors unnecessary.

Consequently, I find myself plagued by boredom.

Letting out a sigh, I contemplate exploring unfamiliar areas of the house when the master door unexpectedly swings open.

My curiosity piqued, and I swiftly turn to see Alessandro strolling in nonchalantly.

His expensive black tuxedo jacket hangs over his shoulder, revealing his mercilessly flexing muscles and tousled hair that only serves to enhance his irresistible charm.

I wasn't mentally prepared to encounter him!Especially not after what happened between us!

When his gaze meets mine, a sigh escapes his lips before he closes the door and strides toward me, his towering figure looming over mine, his intoxicating cologne wafting into my nostrils, and I can't resist inhaling his alluring scent.

Naughty Adrienne.

"Adriana, I have had a difficult night. I believe you might be able to assist with that," he says in a stern voice, tinged with provocation and seduction, causing my stomach to knot with desire.

Without uttering a word, I allow him to grasp my wrist and lead me up the stairs.

I allow him to because even though I regret sleeping with him, some part of me wants what he wants. "You have no idea how long I have fucking waited to see you," he growls dangerously, with lust and desire, pushing the door into the first bedroom that comes into sight, pulling me in.

When we enter the bedroom, he closes it shut, walking towards the queen size bed where he will have me railed, but I can not let that happen again.

Pulling my hand from his, I look up at him, straightening my posture and preparing to tell him confidently.

Alessandro turns, looking down at me, and I shiver at his dangerous, dark gaze.

"No," The word come out hoarse than I expected it to while squeezing my palms together nervously, stepping away from him. Alessandro gives me a confused look, I can not deny how hot he looks when confused, but I have to try to be strong. "I hate you," I whisper, but I don't mean it.

It is how he makes me feel when he was having his way with me and when he is not. I can not give him that satisfaction.

Whatever happened was never to escalate as it did, and it is time for me to end it and go back to hating him, even when it is going to be difficult.

"Why do I have the sense that I am missing something?" His low husky voice inquires sexily, and I close and open my eyes, taking a breath and then looking up at him, trying to forget the thought of me and him doing it.

"I hate you so damn much," I repeat once more, this time trying to sound as if I mean it.

With the same confused look, he walks closer to me, his lips quirking into an alluring smirk that suits him perfectly. "But I do not...Do you want to tell me what is this about and why are you not undressing?" His husky voice asks me with his eyebrow arch.

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