Chapter 4: Him

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Adrienne's POV

My hermano forcefully hurls Leah and me inside the overwhelmingly crowded guest room.

Inside, we find my mother, my other two hermanos, some of my mother's soldiers, and the notorious, deadly and fierce Alessandro D'piero, accompanied by three strong soldiers standing by his side.

As we stumble into the room, all eyes turn toward us, intensifying the already tense atmosphere.

Because of how hard I was pushed inside, I plunged over, almost slamming face to the marble floor, but quick enough to steady myself with my hands, making sure to avoid the eyes as I steady my breath to control the panic that tides through me.

"Look who was in the process of running away," my hermano gibes bitterly, crossing his arms over his chest with a smirk when I glanced at him.

I stand up shakily from the marble floor, my heart pounding in my chest, as my fingers tremble with fear, and my gut clenched in terror, making me unable to move.

Holding my head down, I curse myself in the head. I actually thought I could escape her. How stupid of me! How impulsive?

Anxiously I listen as mother heels sound their way over to me before I no longer hear it, but the sweet smell of her cologne hits my nostrils, telling me she's right in front of me.

I've always loved my mother's sweet fragrance when I was younger. It made me feel closer to her.

Whenever she left me, leaving her scent behind, I've always thought about the times she was once good to me, treated me like a daughter, like how a mother should treat her child but those are just mere memories because I was just a baby compared to how old I am now, and all I can remember is the horrifying things that I've been through, and it is now my worse fear.

It is always close whenever she is coming to hurt and torment me or when she leaves after already hurting me.

With prediction, I briskly close my agitated eyes, bracing myself for the outcome of my stupidity.

Her hand comes flying down with swiftness and strength, and seconds later, the painful slap collides with the surface of my skin, causing me to cry out in anguish, dropping to my knees from the force as my hands touch where it aches.

I fight back my tears, sitting on the floor with my head bowed, as I gaze at the glossy marble beneath me, where I see the reflection of a shattered young girl.

She is beautiful, weak, and unloved.

It pains and disgusts me seeing her, seeing how weak she is, how much she resembles them, reminding her that it is her fault.

"You disgraceful bitch!" Mother roars with wrath and bitterness that sends chills down my spine.

Horror rushes over me as the hairs at the back of my head raise, making a tear slip from one of my eyes, and I thank the hair that curtains my face from revealing my frailty.

"¡Levántate! (GET UP)" She barks, making me quickly stand with my head held down to avoid seeing her eyes, my heart thundering maniacally. I can feel all the gazes on me from all over the room, possibly enjoying the show. "You are sickening and disgusting. I am glad I am getting rid of you, but the audacity you have to run away from me? How dare you!" Her voice is so loud and stern that every time she speaks it feels as if my heart hurdles, but I am not going to break down.

I am strong...I-I am.

"Lo Siento (I am sorry)," I apologize to her, trying to be as valiant and assertive before her presence, before their presence, raising my head to look at her callous and outraged face.

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