Chapter 49: The punishment

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Adrienne's POV

My face becomes a canvas of astonishment as a wave of surprise washes over me, my eyes widening in sheer amusement, captivated by the unexpected words that escape his lips.

When I thought about playing this game, I did not think it would get this exhilarating except for the rage in his eyes that are far from exciting, but Alessandro D'piero begging must be the greatest news ever heard.

Not only am I horny for him, but I am surprised. His response is shocking because I know Alessandro doesn't beg, he only gets what he wants, and this just shows the power I have over him.

"Well, I am waiting...Let me free, princess," his words are low, stern, and dark yet so serene, but I know it's the opposite.

What have I brought myself into this time?

I overstepped, but who am I to not want to have fun with this man? He's mine. He had teased me in so many ways possible, and it was my time.

I get closer to him, bending over, his eyes following my recoiling boobs.

Glancing into his dark lewd eyes, I hesitantly bring my hand toward his wrist, grasping the knot.

He's pissed, I know.

There are only two things that can happen tonight; I leave him tied here and bolt, but we all know he is going to find a way out and punish me, or I get fucked senselessly. I want to get fucked, but something tells me he will not go easy with me like he was before, even though he wasn't easy before, and my pussy still aches.

If I ache this much from our earlier intercourse, I would only imagine what it would be like now.

I am still confused about what he wanted to say earlier and what he wanted to show me when he fucked me, leaving me in pain, oblivion, and weakness. I wish I could say it's the best he fucked me, but we all know it's not true. He always fucked me well.

There was some sort of emotion present there when he fucked me earlier, and I couldn't figure out what exactly. There was something with meaning, something quite new to me, something powerful, and I knew I wasn't the only one who felt it.

My hand pulls the knot, and it drops free, my eyes traveling towards his eyes and face, seeing that he is looking at me.

Other than his forbidden and dangerous eyes, I can not tell any other emotion his face has, it's stone cold, but I know what awaits me.

"Why are we moving so sluggish, Adriana?" He asks coldly, power and darkness in his deep voice. It is filled with promises and danger, his question sending chills down my spine.

But I am not backing down.

"Have patience, Alessandro."

I carry my hand towards his other hand, my eyes trialing his veiny arm with his tattoo of a venomous serpent which is ready to release his toxin into his prey, just like how Alessandro wants to do to me.

My hand pulls the knot, and before it could've dropped to the floor, his hand unexpectedly grasps tightly around my throat, immediately making me gasp. At the same time, my body gets slammed into his desk.

"Fuck!" I weep at the pain, my bulging eyes meeting his dark ones, a loud growl leaving his throat.

"I. Do. Not. Have. Patience, Adriana...." He hisses, "You of all people should fucking know that..." he growls to himself while he stares down at me, his grasp around my throat lowering my head back so I can stare directly at him.

To see all of him and his dangers.

So fucking alluring even when he is angry.

"Spread open your legs, Adriana." After his cold, demanding words, his hand lowers towards my soaked pussy, running it over my wetness, my pussy abruptly pulsing against his hand with hunger, my body shaking uncontrollably while I gasp.

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