Chapter 66: Queen's grand ball

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The hours pass swiftly, as if they are eagerly anticipating tonight's ball, which I notice begun a few minutes ago when I see guests arriving through my windows.

A multitude of cars park outside, indicating a grand gathering in celebration of the king's wife and queen at his side.

Which I am proud to say is me.

Having completed my makeup and hair, donning a crystal blue dress, I can't help but scrutinize my reflection in the mirror, my gaze irresistibly drawn to the necklace adorning my neck.

It was the one Alessandro got me during my hatred for him. The night I was kidnapped, it went missing, but I found it in one of Rossi's suit pockets earlier today.

My gaze drifts downward, tracing the lines of my attire, a form-fitting gown strapless in design, enhanced by a glistening beaded waistband.

The bodice embraces my form with precision, its charm further elevated by a mesmerizing corset detail at the back, adorned delicately with a bow tie.

This refined gown descends gracefully, forming a silhouette that flatters my figure, culminating in an ankle-kissing skirt that flows seamlessly from my waist, with a side slit adding a touch of allure.

With a gentle touch, I run my hand through my straightened blonde hair, unveiling my light made-up face. A faint smile appears on my lips as my gaze sweeps over my reflection once again- a smile I'm well aware I'll need for the evening ahead.

My fingers once more move slowly to my neck, where the delicate diamond necklace rests, and I close my eyes, unable to contain the joy that lights up my face at the thought of Alessandro.

He's near, and that thought alone fills me with reassurance.

Ensuring every diamond jewelry piece and my elegant pumps are in place, I turn away from the mirror, reaching for a small white veil.

Placing it over my face, its sheer fabric conceals my features, extending from my forehead to just below my lips. In this guise, I become unrecognizable to those who do not know me.

It's precisely what I desire.

That is what my husband wants too.

Taking a bottle of my husband's cologne, I apply a generous amount to myself before a soft knock on my door prompts me to head towards it.

Opening the door, I'm greeted by my dashing husband, dressed in a formal black suit and bow tie, his long hair neatly pulled back.

He looks handsome. "Hello, love," he greets, his eyes scanning me appreciatively from head to toe, a smile gracing his lips. "You're a fucking goddess. You look absolutely exquisite," he lightly bites his lips.

I respond with my warmest smile as he leans closer, his delightful scent filling my senses, and I can't resist taking a deep breath. "And you smell lovely..." he adds as he gently lifts my veil, taking in my appearance before planting a kiss on my cheek.

"Thank you," I reply, clinging to his arm. "You look quite dashing yourself."

His grin widens as he looks down at me. "Your compliment is my second most favorite thing, love."

Arching an eyebrow, I inquire, "Oh? What's your first favorite thing?"

His eyes sparkle mischievously. "You, of course. Shall we?"

I nod with a smile. "Yes, we shall."

We both start our way down the hallway, the loud piano playing from the ballroom and the clinking of glasses echoing in the distance.

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