Chapter 44: Babyfever

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Alessandro acts swiftly, pushing me back for protection before in a single, fluid motion, he retrieves a second gun from his waistband and quickly cocks it, aiming it at the door with practiced ease.

He hisses a curse under his breath, and grit his teeth as frustration washes over him.

He clutches my wrist tightly, shielding me from the situation with his large body. "I want you to stay here, princess," he says calmly, but I can see the anger simmering beneath the surface.

My head quickly nods in agreement to his demand, the sound of the guns echoing in the background and causing my heart to race.

Even in all this chaos, I feel safe with him beside me because I know he will protect me from the violence around us.

"Okay," I mumble, aiming the gun he had given me at the door, knowing I would protect him also.

He protects me. I protect him.

Alessandro lets out a sharp hiss as the sound of gunshots fills the air. "I cannot lose you," he whispers then without warning, grabs me by the arm and pulls me towards the door.

The gunshots grow louder and more terrifying, punctuated by the sounds of men shouting and crying out in pain.

"Princess stays close to me..." his words are deep and icy cold as they leave his mouth, leaving me with no doubt that he is displeased. "This will be fucking over soon..."

He places his hand on the door handle then quickly yanks it open, pulling me behind as he swiftly steps out, aiming his gun around the room, his eyes searching for any enemy, but the hallway is clear.

For now.

The gunshots around the warehouse are vicious, and I can feel my heart racing as we move forward, our footsteps echoing off the walls.

The quickening of footsteps from behind makes us both briskly turn around, Alessandro quickly pushing me behind him for protection as he, without hesitation, pulls the trigger at the two intruders, the sound of double bullets piercing through the air as the intruders' bodies fall to the ground, forming a pool of blood, but before Alessandro could even take a breath, two more men emerge, guns aimed and ready to fire.

This time, however, we are both prepared, standing our ground with fierce determination as we brace ourselves for the danger.

With both of our guns aimed, we pull the trigger firing multiple bullets into each body, Alessandro and I fingers intertwined as we fire shots.

When both bodies fall to the floor, dead in puddles of blood, Alessandro and I halt our shooting.

Standing still with my heart racing in my chest, I suddenly become aware that I've been holding my breath unknowingly this whole time.

The tension in the air is thick as I turn to face Alessandro, eager to see his reaction. When our eyes meet, I notice the amazement and admiration in his gaze, a look that fills me with excitement.

Our eyes stay locked, and my heart starts to race. It feels like I'm standing at the edge of the unknown, ready to take a leap, but with Alessandro beside me, I'm confident I can handle anything. His presence boosts my confidence and courage in ways I never knew possible.

"You are perfect in every damn way, princess," he says with a sexy smile, making my face turn red, and quickly lean in, give his lips a quick peck, then turn around, and aim my gun, my heart pounding loudly.

Alessandro and I begin our way down the hallway aiming our guns, prepared and ready to protect each other.

We are about to bend a corner when an enemy appears from nowhere, immediately attacking Alessandro, causing his gun to slip from his hold.

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