Chapter 10: Masquerade ball

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The dazzling golden chandelier illuminates me as I make my way down the curved grand entrance stairway in the middle of the massive living area to meet Alessandro at the end, whose eyes were scrutinizing me the very moment I came to the top of the stairs. Eyes focused and unmoving. They do not leave me but trail every curve my body has as I sway down.

His eyes clamps my body as if I am the only person alive, making me nervous, but I never show him what he does to me by only staring.

Being the only person he sees.



A flicker of amusement briefly dances across his face, only to be swiftly concealed by a mask of impassivity, his expression becoming intimidating, yet strangely sexy and composed.

His eyes hold a captivating allure, as if they sparkle with possession and intrigue.

My curled wig cascades down my waist, bouncing gently as I descend the stairs with deliberate steps, the black mask concealing my green eyes, which are now fixed on Alessandro, clad in a perfectly tailored black tuxedo, the bowtie adding a touch of sophistication to his already lean, defined, and elegant posture, amplifying his undeniable charm.

A sleek, expensive black watch adorns his right wrist, accompanied by several gold rings gracing his long, slender fingers.

In his hands, he holds a black hand mask, his hair shimmering in messy curls, with a few rebellious strands falling over his striking and magnetically attractive face.

I come to a stop before Alessandro, and our eyes lock, a whirlwind of emotions swirling within his gaze as he once agains begins to scan every inch of my body, biting his bottom lip.

"You are fucking astonishing, princess..." his low-pitched, deep, voice breathes with provocation, his eyes looking me up and down as a smirk takes over his lips. "You are rare beauty."

Damn him for looking and sounding so good.

I force a small, fleeting smile, unable to forget what occurred earlier. Despite his attractiveness and allure, my disdain for him remains unwavering, and the desire to witness him dead consumes me.

His looks won't stop me from hurting or dying.

Moreover, I had no intention of accompanying his vile ass anywhere. This is for Giana.

"Oh, I'm aware. I wish I could reciprocate the sentiment, but it seems only one of us will be the center of attention tonight," I retort sharply, my eyes filled with bitterness as I glare up at his captivating yet unyielding face, lips twisting unpleasantly, and I release a sigh. "Let's get this over with."

With those words, I stride past him, heading towards the double doors with his guards opening them, and I step through, greeted by the cool rush of wind against my face.

"Always so damn courteous," he mutters from behind in a cool whisper, and I ignore him.

God, I love the feeling of the wind against my skin, it's irresistible pleasure overwhelming me.

Inhaling deeply, I allow myself to savor the moment for a second, closing my eyes and indulging in the refreshing touch, as a sigh of relief escapes my lips involuntarily, unable to contain my contentment.

Opening my fluttering eyes, I am greeted by a view that captivates and astounds me. The estate sprawls before me, its beauty and grandeur now fully revealed. Yesterday, my focus was solely on the house, so I missed out on the surroundings.

The landscaping is expansive, with a manicured lawn stretching out before the imposing residence, a water fountain gracing the front, adding a touch of elegance.

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