Chapter 59: Why I did it

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The room stays silent after his words, and I do not dare say anything, only watch as he smiles, looking at me as if he already got his victory.

A victory to a downfall.

I know if Giana and her father see that video they will break, and things can go hell, mayhem.

They would become vulnerable...

Angelo's plan might work, but I also know Alessandro; he will not make such a thing happen.

He will not let his family break that effortlessly without a fight.

His family is his world, and he will find a way to sort things out. There must be a reason why he murdered his mother, and that can save their family from Angelo's plan.

If Alessandro's family learns the reason, which I hope is good.

Angelo wants when Alessandro's father sees that video, he would get infuriated, and heartbroken, distancing himself from Alessandro and the house and doing everything carelessly.

We all know Alessandro's father can be reckless and careless at times, giving him more possibilities to walk into Angelo's plan without even knowing and putting his family at risk.

Angelo also knows that Giana looks up to Alessandro, and seeing that video will break her into pieces, and I wish I could be there for her when it happens.

I know it will rip her heart to know that her mother is dead, after thinking she was alive all these years and finding out she was murdered by the person she looked up to the most- her brother.

That will pull them apart, and Giana would want to stay as far away from Alessandro as possible, possibly moving out, which makes Angelo's plan a lot easier.

He knows that the video will destroy the family, and who knows what Alessandro's other family might do?

The thing is, there is nothing that I can do anymore.

I have already lost enough and done enough, and even though I felt like I was already in a new family, Alessandro's family, for the past months, I cannot put myself at any more risk because I will lose someone either way, and I will die either way, so I only have to sit and watch, waiting until my death.

I am useless. I am fucking useless.

A disappointment.

Even though it hurts me, I keep a straight face when I only speak one word.


"Okay?" He asks, raising his eyebrows at me. "So you already lost hope in your family? Is it because Alessandro did not come to save you?"

I keep quiet, not saying anything. I don't know what to think anymore. I will only keep having hopes that he will save me.

"Aw, I see, don't worry, love, you'll see him again... but the last thing you're going to see is him watching you die before his very own eyes..." he laughs, standing up, and I turn, watching him.

He walks towards the counter, grabs a laptop, then sits back down. "I would have waited a few more days for him, but I am a very impatient man, and it's obvious that if he really cared or loved you, he would've saved you ages ago. Look around..." he looks up at me, smiling, and my stomach clenches. "You're still here, here all alone with me, and it's not like he doesn't know I have you because come on, who else would've been gutsy enough to do what I did?" He snorts, shaking his head, and I gulp. "Everyone is a fucking coward to the D'perio family but me. Such a shame..."

"Not everyone is sick in the head..." I mutter, not caring if he hears me, my face as cold as winter ice.

"Hm, love," he narrows his eyes at me. "I wouldn't say sick in the head, more like not being fearful of shit. I am not fucking afraid of anyone, you hear me?" He chuckles bitterly to himself, and I scoff, rolling my eyes at him.

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