Chapter 51: My light

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Alessandro's POV

The following night

"Where are we going, Alessandro?" Adriana's voice asks with curiosity as she cautiously follows my lead, her eyes covered with my hands, oblivious to our destination.

"Have faith in me, princess," I utter, a radiant smile stretching across my face, impossible to conceal.

With utmost care and attention, I have orchestrated an exquisite date night for her amidst the captivating garden that she loves so much and is concealed behind the walls of our estate.

Every detail has been meticulously arranged to ensure this experience leaves her utterly captivated and utterly amazed.

Guiding her along the garden pathway, I can already sense the enchanting tranquility of the night, enhancing the perfection of this moment, specifically tailored for her.

Various flowers scatter their petals as they gracefully descend from the blossoms surrounding us and onto the pathway while the sides of the path, flickering candles create a luminous trail, guiding us toward a meticulously arranged table adorned with an exquisite feast.

Above the table, a golden canopy stretches wide, open to the night sky, revealing a breathtaking expanse of twinkling stars.

Inside the canopy, numerous candles cast a warm glow, illuminating the table.

The air is filled with the gentle rustling of falling flower petals and the melodious chorus of chirping crickets, accompanied by the soothing whispers of leaves dancing in the breeze.

A bouquet of vibrant red roses stood proudly on the table with warm Italian delicacies filling the air with a tantalizing aroma, as it enticingly waits to be savored.

Removing my hands from her eyes, I watch as she observes the surroundings, a mixture of astonishment and amusement adorning her face, captivating me.

The corners of her lips curl into a beaming smile as her eyes sparkle with pure joy, her entire face illuminated, a radiant reflection of her happiness.

"This is beautiful," she exclaims, enveloping me in a warm, tight hug, and I can not help but chuckle in response, returning the embrace, gently running my hand through her hair, soothing it and savoring the intoxicating fragrance that emanates from her.

Unable to resist, I breathe in deeply, wanting to capture every trace of her sweet scent that I can never seem to get enough of. Breaking away from the hug, she looks up at me with an expression of disbelief and admiration.

"Do you like it, princess?" I inquire.

"Do I like it?! I love it! So much!" She giggles, wrapping her arms around my neck and leaning in to plant a fervent and moist kiss on my lips.

She starts to pull away after a second, and I instinctively draw her back to me, engaging in a deeper and more lingering kiss fueled by passion and affection that she reciprocated.

The world around us ceases to exist, and we focused solely on this exquisite connection, holding her in my embrace, feeling as though we are with the stars themselves and away from everything else.

Our kiss is filled with an urgency as if time is running out, yet we remain unhurried, savoring every second. Lightly grazing her bottom lip, I emit a gentle growl, provoking a slight nibble.

She then breaks the kiss, making me open my eyes to meet hers, both of us panting heavily.

"Why did you stop?" I ask, fully aware that I had no desire to stop.

Alessandro 16+ / Book 1Where stories live. Discover now