Chapter 29: Artwork

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"What the fuck are you doing here?" I ask with surprise and sudden panic which I hope did not show, quickly standing from my bed, knowing I was having a wet dream about this devil of a man, and he was there watching me sleep, and who knows what I was doing while sleeping.

What if I was touching myself?!


Moaning his name!

With a light chuckle, he remarks, "Language, Princess..." He then bites his lower lip, emitting a soft hum, and adds with a cool, low, and ominous tone, "And let us not forget that I am the proud proprietor of this magnificent establishment". He speaks, licking his pink lips with a wicked smirk on his face, exuding an air of superiority and dominance.

He looks so handsome doing it.

Damn, this gorgeous man.

"W-when did you get back-back?" I cough to clear my throat, noticing his captivating stance, impressive muscular build, and attractive appearance.

I can not help but admire him more than I did before.

It's because of that stupid dream, and now I can not see him without wanting to jump him even though I've always wanted to, but now the impulse is vibrant, and him being so inflammable hot, borderline attractive, and sexy is not helping me in any way.

It is enticing me to do the forbidden things that I've been dreaming and thinking about during my times with him.

He is slowly pulling me towards him without much effort, and I can not comprehend how he did that, even after all the tortures he had put me through and how aggressive he had been with me when I disobeyed him.

The touches in certain areas of my body, his breath against my skin, and the words he whispers inside my ear, everything feels like they are repeating themselves at this moment, feeling every bit of him on my body while I stare at him.

He embodies both the traits of a devil and an angel.

He seems to have been molded by the devil himself, with a mischievous and cunning demeanor that often causes trouble. There are moments when he exudes an ethereal aura, emanating goodness and compassion that could only come from a divine source. It's as if he is a hybrid creature, born out of two opposing forces, yet somehow finding harmony in the middle

"I returned a few minutes ago, having received a call a couple of hours earlier," he remarks casually, with a poker face that neither gives away nor conceals anything, yet seemingly, revealing everything all at once.

Closing my eyes, I let out a sigh as the realization dawned on me that Stefano must have informed Alessandro about the person who was pursuing us. Of course, he would do so since Alessandro was the boss.

Fuck, and his authoritative position was something that I find attractive.

"Did-did you see who it was?" I could not control myself from stuttering.

Maybe it was the fact that I was having sex with him in my damn dream and wanted to fuck him in reality, run my hands down his firm muscles or get my nails deep into his defined body.

Bad, bad Adrienne.

He gazes at me, his eyes filled with an intense and provocative scrutiny, as if he is taking ownership of me.

He bites down on his bottom lip in a seductive manner, his eyes never leaving my body, which he considers his possession.

I feel a nervous energy building inside me as I shift my weight from one foot to the other, unsure of his intentions, although perhaps part of me already knows.

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