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Song Recommendation:
Drowning Shadows - Sam Smith

Claustrophobic. That's how the beautiful Jimin felt every time someone complimented him on his appearance or his wealth. It was as if Jimin was confined to the box that people built around him. The box that revolves around his body and his looks. He wanted to be so much more than a pretty face in the school hallways. He wanted people to look at him and see a good person, not to look at him and see a good looking person. He hated it. The norms of today's generation, fawning over pretty people rather than kind people. It was as if kindness and generosity meant nothing if a person didn't have a pretty face to go with it.

So when people said hello to him, smiled at him or looked at him, he could see they didn't have any intentions in actually getting to know the blonde. They just wanted a close-up view of his beauty. Jimin thanked his lucky stars for the few real friends he had.

Walking up to his classroom, backpack slung over his shoulder and hair slicked back, showing off his admirable hairline, the petite blonde notices his best friends waiting patiently for him to arrive. It's a sunny Wednesday morning, and the scene is the same as every other morning: Hoseok and Yoongi arguing over God knows what this time.

The quiet and reserved Min Yoongi and the loud, cheerful yet flirty Jung Hoseok going at each other's throats, arguing about Hoseok's flirtatious ways.

"God, Hoseok, I'm serious. Stop flirting with me," Yoongi warns Hoseok as Jimin nears, hearing all the commotion between his best friends.

"Yeah Hoseok. Stop flirting with Yoongi," Jimin says as he approaches them, Yoongi's face brightening and Hoseok forgetting about the argument for a brief moment.

"Really, Jimin-ah? You agree with Yoongi?" Hoseok pouts and Yoongi scoffs.

"Of course he does. I'm his best friend," Yoongi says, quite annoyed with Hoseok right now. Don't get him wrong, he loves Hoseok, but there's like two versions of him. One version is Hoseok, the flirtatious boy who can't take no for an answer; and one version is Hobi, the cheerful and cute boy who doesn't flirt with everything that breathes. Yoongi absolutely loves the latter, but despises the former.

"It's not that. I love both of you equally. It's just that I noticed Hobi has a habit of flirting with everyone. So if you want to flirt, do it with anyone else other than Yoongi. Because Yoongi is not some stranger who you can flirt with and think that he's not going to catch feelings for you," Jimin explains and Hoseok's eyes widen, along with Yoongi's.

"I don't flirt with him to hurt his feelings-"

"I don't have feelings for Hoseok-"

Both Yoongi and Hoseok start speaking at the same time, making Jimin laugh.

"I never said you did. I just said that it could happen. Take it as you will," Jimin said to the both of them, since that was the fitting thing to say to each of them. Jimin walks passed them after giving them soft smiles and enters his classroom a couple minutes before the bell could ring.

He sits down at his usual desk somewhere in the middle of the classroom and waits patiently for his teacher to arrive when a familiar female walks up to his desk. Ah, as predicted. Jimin should've known that she would be back to ask if they could spend time together after school. He doesn't know why this one was so persistent but she just was. Usually, when girls did this, he'd come up with some lame ass excuse and they wouldn't try again. He's well aware that the only reason the girls do this is because they want to start rumors about what they did with Jimin to gain popularity. Sounds far-fetched but it has happened before. Rumors saying that a certain girl kissed or hooked up with Jimin after school. That would never happen though, since Jimin bats for the other team.

"Jimin... Would you be free after school today?" the girl asks and Jimin shakes his head no. She doesn't even ask for his excuse this time before huffing and leaving. Some were really desperate for popularity if they were this determined to get Jimin alone. It made him sigh. He would trade someone his popularity for their non-popularity any day.

* * *

Two tongues dance together, mouths moving in sync as saliva is being exchanged in the most disgusting way. Two bodies pressing against each other, feeling each other up as they stay making out in the small space of the janitor's supply closet. Both humans pulling away, gasping for air when a blue haired boy by the name of Kim Taehyung swings the door open, shocking his best friend, resulting in him and the girl he was just sucking faces with to pull apart. The raven haired boy let out an exhale of relief noticing that it isn't the janitor catching him red handed for the second time this week.

"Taehyung, you scared me," he pants.

"Seriously, Jungkook. It's the second period and you're ditching calculus to make out with this Ariana Grande wannabe?" Taehyung asks with some disappointment laced in his voice, causing Jungkook to cringe. He doesn't like this tone of voice coming from Taehyung but he just can't help himself. Jungkook turns to the girl and asks her to leave.

"Can I get your number first?" she asks.

"Maybe some other time," Jungkook dismisses her and she just leaves without another word. Jungkook exits the supply closet and closes the door behind him, turning around to face a disappointed Taehyung.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Jungkook scoffs and Taehyung raises an eyebrow.

"So it's not enough that you fuck girls whenever you want to, but you also have to skip lessons to do it?" Taehyung asks, his anger quite clear.

"And how does that bother you?" Jungkook smirks before turning to walk down the hallway.

"You know very well that it doesn't bother me, but skipping classes is something I can't sit back and watch you do, especially when you're so smart," Taehyung says, walking behind Jungkook.

"Smart for what though?" Jungkook laughs, and continues walking towards the school gym to bunk the rest of the lesson.

"If you want to continue being an asshole about this, have fun bunking class. I have no desire to continue talking to you seeing that I had to lie by telling the teacher I need to use the bathroom just to find you," Taehyung says.

"Did I want to be found though?" Jungkook just keeps hitting Taehyung's nerves and the blue haired boy had to do everything in his power to not lash out.

"Oh, of course you didn't want to be found fucking some hoe in the supply closet," Taehyung rolls his eyes.

"I wasn't fucking her," Jungkook looks away, unable to see Taehyung so mad with him right now.

"But you were going to, weren't you?" Taehyung asks, to which the dark haired boy kept his mouth shut. Taehyung knew the answer and decided to turn around to go back to class.

"Tae, where are you going?" Jungkook asks, suddenly worried why Taehyung didn't continue arguing.

"Do what you want, Jungkook. I've always had a problem with you fucking around with innocent girls, but I didn't do anything because I cared about you. But if you want to jeopardize your education for meaningless fucks, then go ahead. I'm done trying to be a good best friend. Maybe you'd appreciate if I was a fake friend and didn't care at all," Taehyung says, his back still facing Jungkook as he walks down the hallway, leaving Jungkook dumbfounded in the middle of the halls.


Oops, I did a thing...

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