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Tuesday was just another regular day for the seven boys. School took place. Jungkook showed no signs of misery. Taehyung was his bright and blue haired self. Jin was staring at Namjoon whenever he got the chance. Namjoon teased Jin every chance he got. Yoongi kept to himself unless he was with Jimin or Hoseok. Hoseok flirted with everything besides a pot plant. And Jimin continued his day with his nose buried in books, studying endlessly and looking forward to dancing after school. 

During the weekend, Jimin had a chance to watch other dance videos on YouTube and he gathered some inspiration and ideas on how to improve. He was excited to continue practicing. That was something Jimin loved about creating his own choreos. He was always anticipating the end result and he loved the sudden bursts of inspiration and motivation he'd feel randomly. It's the same with writing songs or being an author. You can't control when you'll suddenly be inspired by something beautiful. 

Jimin savored his practice in the dance studio after school. He wanted to be productive and get the most done, so he worked hard, straining his muscles but nevertheless, ignoring all the aches. He slid, jumped, moved around effortlessly. The blonde fairy didn't even watch his movements in the mirrors, instead he let his body do its own thing. His feet had a mind of its own, and moved according to how he felt. When Jimin was done, he did the usual. He drank his water, he brushed his hair out of his eyes, wiped some sweat off his forehead, and watched his footage, nitpicking at his faults.  When he was done, he didn't bother doing anything else besides going home. On his walk home though, he saw the familiar café he's never been to. He passes it all the damn time, but he doesn't care too much. Today, though, he felt like he needed a treat of some sort. 

He had no one waiting for him at home so it wouldn't bother anyone if he was late. He looked carefully before crossing the street, walking towards the highly sophisticated café that looks like it came straight out of a Pinterest aesthetic. It looked very homey. 

Jimin stepped up to the front door, pushing it open and hearing a tiny bell ding above his head. He looked around, taking in the scenery. The café was decorated with different shades of browns and cremes, with white here and there. The color green was also provided by the multiple pot plants placed around the café. The interior was indeed very posh. Jimin couldn't believe it looked so perfect inside here. He's never come here before so he is surprised. The café had quite a lot of people seated around, considering it was a Tuesday. 

He notices the front counter with a boy wearing an apron standing behind it. The boy looked vaguely familiar but he wasn't sure. He walked up to the counter and smiled brightly at the worker. 

"Hey, what can I get you?" the boy asked. Jimin focused on the boy's nametag. Namjoon? Didn't sound familiar.

"Uh, what do you recommend?" Jimin asked, rather embarrassed he didn't think before he got to the counter. 

"I personally enjoy the Frappuccino but you can get whatever you want," Namjoon smiled at Jimin as he thought about it. Frappuccino? Sounds okay. Jimin simply asked for that, and Namjoon gave him a small nod before going to the coffee machines to make it. When he returned he handed Jimin his drink. 

"You're Jimin, right?" Namjoon asks and Jimin stills. 

"Yeah, how'd you know?" Jimin questions as he stands to the side of the counter to converse with Namjoon, taking a sip of his drink and actually liking it. 

"We share the same AP math class," Namjoon says and Jimin frowns. He really needed to start paying attention more. 

"I'm sorry I don't remember you. I don't pay attention to my surroundings enough, and you look familiar but I can't place my finger on it," Jimin says as he sips on his drink slowly. Namjoon nodded. 

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