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Jungkook pounded roughly into Jimin as the submissive had his legs wrapped around Jungkook's hips and his hands around Jungkook's torso, leaving slight scratch marks down Jungkook's toned back.

"Jungkook... Jungkook, oh~" Jimin cried as he couldn't stop chanting Jungkook's name like a mantra. The younger kissed the many hickeys along Jimin's neck as he pulled back, sitting on his knees as he held Jimin's hips and lifted his lower body up so he could thrust into him deeper. Jimin gasped as he held the blanket firmly again, seeing Jungkook thrust into him as his body jerked with every pound.

Jimin threw his head back as his eyes gazed over the stars in the sky, as compared to the glow in the dark stars on his bedroom walls. Jimin clutched the blanket as he screwed his eyes shut when Jungkook's tip began to jab at his prostate.

"Jungkook! Please... Don't stop~" Jimin cried as he let out soft whimpers very second.

"Oh, baby... You're so good to me..." Jungkook groaned as he held Jimin's hips firmly to pound into him. By the way Jimin's body shivered and the small gasps leaving his lips, Jungkook could tell he was hitting the right spot. He continued to pummel into Jimin, the wet slaps sounding through their ears as the only people in the area were them. There would be no one else for a few miles since they were at a deserted field.

Jungkook remained on his knees as he held Jimin's hips up so he could thrust forward into him easily. Sweet moans and low groans could be heard as Jungkook continued pounding into his lover.

Jimin was such a mess. His body kept arching and his fists kept clenching the blanket as pre-cum started to release from his member as he throbbed.

"Oh... Oh yes~ Ah!" Jimin cried as his bottom lip quivered at the intense pleasure he felt. "Jungkook... Oh, baby~" Jimin moaned loudly as he felt himself nearing his orgasm.

"Jimin~" Jungkook moaned in response as he leaned in to kiss Jimin slowly as he maintained his thrusts. "Tell me you love me~" Jungkook whispered into Jimin's ear as he had his lips near Jimin's earlobe as he thrusted into him.

Jimin felt his body quake as he nodded frantically. "Oh, Jungkook~ I love you so much..." Jimin arched his body forward as he finally came all over his and Jungkook's chest.

"O-oh!" Jimin gasped as he threw his head back. Jungkook began to leave tongue kisses along his neck.

"Oh, b-baby~ y-you're so beautiful~ cum all over me..." Jungkook said into a growl as he himself felt close to cumming. Jimin's body shook lightly as he felt Jungkook's throbbing cock sliding in and out of him easily, his pre-cum lubricating the movement.

"Jungkook~" Jimin began mewling as he turned his head to the side as his eyes were shut, cherishing the feeling in his body that ran through him like electricity waves.

Jungkook turned them over so he could lay on his back as Jimin was on top of him, riding him as their moans increased in volume.

"Jungkook~ you're so big..." Jimin cried as he planted his hands on Jungkook's hard chest as he began to ride him, cum stained all over his chest but he didn't care. His body went into overdrive as he couldn't stop; not wanting the pleasure to end even if he passed out from overstimulation.

Jimin bounced on Jungkook as the younger threw his head back, feeling shockwaves run through his body as Jimin's hole started to clench around his member.

"Ah, Jimin- Just like that, beautiful~" Jungkook praised his boyfriend as he held Jimin's waist as he continued to bounce on Jungkook's member. The younger looked up as he watched his boyfriend lovingly, unable to tear his gaze away from his dearest beloved.

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