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Song Recommendation:
Love Me Like You Do - Ellie Goulding

Jungkook drove Jimin home as the silver haired held his boyfriend's hand. Mrs. Min's words kept replaying in Jungkook's head. The secret to a long lasting relationship would be to love your partner as if you are married to them. That way, finding a way out isn't as easy. Most couples think that they can easily break up and then get back together, but they don't realize that it weakens the quality of the relationship. Jungkook could easily say he loved Jimin, and he wanted to live with him forever. These three, nearly four, months have been good together and Jungkook wanted forever with Jimin. There was nothing wrong with Jimin and while they were definitely going to fight one day, if Jungkook followed Mrs. Min's advice, they'd be able to overcome everything. Neither of them had any toxic traits so it would be easy to love unconditionally. Jungkook just needed to talk to Jimin about what Mrs. Min told him today. It would make no difference unless Jimin knew as well. 

Once the couple reached home, they went up to their shared bedroom as Jungkook wanted to talk to Jimin. Jimin was about to go shower before bed like always, but Jungkook stopped him. 

"Baby... Can we talk for a second?" Jungkook asked as Jimin noticed the serious tone. 

"Is something wrong, my prince?" Jimin asked as he sat down next to Jungkook on the bed. 

Jungkook shook his head no. "Nothing's wrong, my love. It's just that Mrs. Min told me something I think you should know," Jungkook said as he caressed Jimin's cheek with the back of his hand. 

"What is it? Did she insult you? I didn't think-"

"No, baby, she didn't," Jungkook laughed. "She told me something important about their relationship that I want to share with you so we can be like them one day," Jungkook said as Jimin nodded, urging him to continue. 

"We need to establish rules," Jungkook said as Jimin's eyes widened. 

"Are you gonna give me curfew or something?" Jimin asked. 

"Oh, Jimin. No, stupid," Jungkook chuckled. "Just two rules... Number one: we need to always be honest with each other. Number two: we can never go to bed angry at each other," Jungkook said as Jimin's face broke out into a huge smile. 

"Jungkook~ You're so sweet. Obviously, those rules will apply," Jimin said as he cupped Jungkook's face and pressed a kiss on Jungkook's pouty and slightly red lips that are tinted thanks to lip balm. 

"I mean it, Jimin... She told me that no matter what we fight about, we can't go to bed angry. She also said that when we get angry we need to remember why we fell in love in the first place and remember not to hurt each other. And that... if we want to get married one day, we need to love and treat each other like a married couple now which means we can't break up over silly things or forget to appreciate each other," Jungkook spilled as Jimin started to giggle. 

"You both were in the storage closet talking about our relationship?" Jimin tilted his head as he held in his giggles. 

"She knows how much we love each other and she seems like she wants us to work out in the long run," Jungkook said as Jimin kissed Jungkook's nose, making the black haired boy's heart race. 

"I love you. Now and forever. I will put as much effort in as it takes to make sure our relationship lasts long enough for us to get married one day," Jimin said as Jungkook's body got goosebumps just by thinking about the future he could have with Park Jimin. 

He loved Jimin too much. It wasn't an over exaggeration. Jimin was Jungkook's only family, besides their friends. Jungkook loved them, but not the way he loved Jimin. He wanted to grow old with Jimin, raise children with him. He wanted to meet Jimin at the alter and he already knew he'd have tears of joy seeing his ethereal husband-to-be. Jungkook let these thoughts flash across his mind as he held Jimin in his arms and turned him over, pushing Jimin down on the bed as his back hit the soft queen sized mattress. 

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