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Song Recommendation:
Hey Daddy - Usher

It was two days before exams could officially finish, but Taehyung and Yoongi had already finished this afternoon. They wrote their last exam today. Yoongi and Jungkook wrote an English exam, and Taehyung and Jimin wrote their Art theory exam. Jimin and Jungkook had one exam left which was the day after tomorrow. The last paper of the entire exam period was Chemistry, which Jungkook, Namjoon, Jimin and Jin wrote. Namjoon and Jungkook shared chemistry classes while Jimin and Jin shared theirs. However, for exams, all students write in the main hall at the same time.

Today, Taehyung and Yoongi were celebrating the end of their exam season and so, the two were in Yoongi's bedroom again, laughing at something Taehyung said. The two were at a point where they knew what they wanted. They wanted each other, even if there would be complications in the future. They wanted to be together, and they needed to open up about their fears. They've talked about everything besides that, and Taehyung needed to know what Yoongi was scared of so he can promise never to hurt him when they do become a couple. Taehyung knew Yoongi was someone who wasn't confident and needed extra care, so he vowed to make their relationship as easy as he could. He didn't want to fight with him, or hurt him, and although arguments are inevitable, Taehyung would be more understanding so that he wouldn't hurt Yoongi. He just didn't want Yoongi to wear the frown he used to have before they met. Taehyung brought color into Yoongi's life, and not just his blue hair was the reason. Taehyung's bubbly personality was different, and Yoongi needed someone like this.

As the conversation moved on to deeper, mental and emotional aspects, Taehyung decided to make the first move and open up, knowing Yoongi would too.

"One of my deepest insecurities... Would have to be my sexuality," Taehyung started. Yoongi was embraced by Taehyung,  an arm wrapped around him as the two were pressed together, looking ahead at the TV in front but paying no attention to the soap opera. Yoongi's feet were playing with Taehyung's, snuggling together while Taehyung had Yoongi in his hold. Yoongi turned to look at Taehyung.

"Why would you be insecure about that?" Yoongi pursed his lips. To Yoongi, people with a sexuality that wasn't heterosexual were beautiful. Not that there's anything wrong with being straight of course, but those who accepted that they loved the same gender or no gender in particular, were beautiful. They had beautiful personalities and faced their own struggles, but finding themselves would be the light at the end of a dark tunnel. Those people were brave, and embracing their sexualities made them braver, while knowing that they could be shunned by society.

"Look at me, Yoongi. I'm supposed to be manly. Not this guy with blue hair. According to people, loving someone other than the opposite gender is wrong. Jungkook wouldn't even accept me if I told him. I've had no support from anyone and it was hard trying to find myself without help. Sometimes I look at myself and think there's something wrong with me," Taehyung said shamefully. Yoongi understood.

"Just because you're different, doesn't mean there's something wrong with you. And look at our friends. Almost all of us are into the same gender too, so I can guarantee you that there's nothing wrong with you," Yoongi said as he gave Taehyung an awkward smile. Taehyung thought it was cute.

"Just when I'm with you, I feel normal. Like there truly is nothing wrong with me," Taehyung whispered as he ruffled Yoongi's hair.

"I've known I was attracted to people regardless of gender ever since I was younger. I had a crush on this boy in elementary school. As a kid, I never thought wrong of it. In middle school, I had this friend who was a boy, but towards eighth grade, he was gender confused. He felt like he wanted to be a girl, so he made adjustments starting small. He would wear makeup and then slowly change his style of dressing. I'm pretty sure he went for surgery not too long ago, from what I've seen on his social media. I had no problem with this and I felt fine with the idea of dating transgender people. Eventually, after lots of experiences and research, I discovered I was pansexual," Yoongi explained and the two just stared at each other after. Taehyung smiled and caressed Yoongi's cheek.

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