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A week later, it was Saturday morning when Jimin and Jungkook walked downstairs to find Mr. and Mrs. Park in the kitchen, instead of at work.

"Mom? Dad?" Jimin asked as he and Jungkook made themselves comfortable on the kitchen stools. The young couple watched the older couple move around the kitchen, making a big morning breakfast for the four of them.

"Jimin, you're awake. We decided to take the weekend off work," Mrs. Park spoke as Jimin and Jungkook smiled.

"That's great!" Jimin spoke as the scent of pancakes filled the air.

"We decided that we could go out today," Mr. Park spoke as Jungkook felt slightly out of place. This wasn't his family and he shouldn't intrude.

"If you want, I can go home and you all can have a family day," Jungkook proposed as Jimin turned to look at him.

"Jungkook, don't be silly. We want you to be with us. We can get to know you better and see how good you are for our Jimin," Mrs. Park spoke as she walked around the kitchen wearing a white night gown over her light blue pajamas.

"Are you sure? Because I can go home-"

"No, Jungkook. We accept you as part of our family so you will spend the day with us too," Mr. Park said as Jimin smiled, loving how his parents were open to Jungkook and his relationship.

"O-okay, thank you, Mr. Park," Jungkook blushed as he felt Jimin smiling at him.

Suddenly, Jimin turned to his parents.

"Where are we going?" Jimin asked them as a hint of excitement laced his voice. It's been a long while since he spent a day with his parents like this so he was curious and excited.

"Well, we wanted to take the two of you to a restaurant for dinner. We wanted to get to know you better, if that sounds alright," Mrs. Park suggested as the boys nodded.

"A family dinner," Jimin smiled with excitement as the four of them decided that that was a pretty good idea. The family decided to leave home later at around six PM to reach a fancy restaurant that they could dine at.

The day went by with the four of them getting ready to go. Mr. Park made reservations for a fancy five star restaurant that was a few blocks away. By five PM they were getting dressed.

In the parents' room, Mrs. Park was wearing a royal blue silk dress that reached the floor, with a slit on the left leg that reached her knee. Her hair was styled to the side as it had hair slides to keep it in place. Mr. Park was wearing a gray suit with a white dress shirt and no tie. He wore his usual oval glasses with his hair swept back.

In the boys' room, Jimin wore a black dress shirt with a charcoal gray suit bottoms, and black formal shoes. His hair was styled and parted to reveal his forehead as his ears were decorated with a few dangling earrings and his fingers with rings as usual. His top button to his dress shirt was open and the silver neck chain that Jungkook got him was visible. Jungkook, on the other hand, wore a red dress shirt with a black tie, and black suit bottoms. Jungkook wore small, round earrings and a few bracelets on his hands. His hair was just brushed, and he let his bangs fall over his forehead. Both boys looked handsome and rather dashing.

Just before six PM, the young couple walked down the stairs to wait patiently in the living room, seeing the older couple there already. The older couple looked so professional and sophisticated.

"Oh, Mrs. Park, you look wonderful. And you as well, Mr. Park," Jungkook complimented as he and Jimin held hands descending the stairs.

"Oh, thank you for the compliments. We're aging, but we can still dress up," Mrs. Park said as she smiled at them.

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