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Jimin removed his backpack as Jungkook was left confused. The younger watched Jimin drop his backpack to the ground as Jungkook decided to follow suit, dropping his backpack to the ground too. Jimin then walked up to Jungkook and cornered him, pushing him against a shelf. 

"I don't like watching people flirt with you. I get jealous," Jimin said in a low voice as he held Jungkook's shoulders. 

"I'm sorry..." Jungkook apologized again, making Jimin chuckle. 

"It's not your fault... maybe we should show everyone we're a couple tomorrow, so people can stay away from you," Jimin spoke as he ran his hands up to Jungkook's neck to hold him. 

"I'd like that..." Jungkook whispered as Jimin smirked before he pulled Jungkook in for a kiss. He sucked on Jungkook's bottom, pouty lip as the younger shivered slightly. 

"Is this the same supply closet you kissed Lia in?" Jimin teased as he pulled away from Jungkook. The younger simply nodded in shame. 

"Oh, I don't know how I feel about that," Jimin chuckled as he leaned in and started kissing Jungkook's neck. 

"J-Jimin..." Jungkook sighed as he tilted his head back. He lifted his hand and locked his fingers into Jimin's silver hair, gripping tightly at the roots. Jungkook was starting to get needy after one month of no sexual contact with his boyfriend. However, Jungkook was willing to wait. Now, Jimin was getting him riled up. 

Jungkook thrusted his hips forward to meet with Jimin's, grinding into him as he felt his neediness take over him. 

"J-Jimin, I want you..." Jungkook whispered as he felt Jimin bite onto his neck, making him gasp. 

"Really? Are you sure you don't want Lia?" Jimin teased as he continued to kiss along Jungkook's collarbone. 

"Jimin! I only want you~ Please, don't make me beg~" Jungkook whined as he grinded his hips forward, eyes fluttering closed as he held on to Jimin's waist. Jimin loved hearing Jungkook's subtle gasps and moans, and figured he could have some fun with this. 

"Beg? I like the sound of that," Jimin smirked as he started to unbuckle Jungkook's belt.

"Don't be mean..." Jungkook pouted as Jimin chuckled.

"Tell me you love me and I'll let it slide," Jimin proposed as Jungkook's cheeks grew red.

"Oh, daddy~ you know I love you~" Jungkook cooed as Jimin smirked, unbuttoning Jungkook's jeans and pulling it, along with his underwear, down to his knees. Jungkook gasped at the air hitting his hardening member as Jimin started to stroke it with one of his hands, as he continued to kiss Jungkook's neck.

"Beautiful prince~" Jimin sang as he kissed Jungkook's neck. His hand stroked Jungkook's cock as he started to become erect from Jimin's addictive touch.

"Mmm~" Jungkook hummed as he gripped onto Jimin's shoulders. Butterflies swarmed in Jungkook's belly as his body felt electricity run through him. Jimin as a dominant made Jungkook feel so good. The younger was used to being the one to please others, but having Jimin please him made him feel relaxed, slightly light-headed, as if he was on a high.

"Jimin, please... I don't want to wait..." Jungkook pleaded as he gripped Jimin's shoulder, feeling Jimin's soft lips on his neck and Jimin's smooth hand on his cock.

"You're in no position to call the shots, sweetheart," Jimin chuckled as he pumped Jungkook's large member in his small hand.


"You wait for me to decide what I want to do to you~ begging won't help," Jimin smirked as Jungkook's body shivered.

"Oh~ please~" Jungkook whined as he threw his head back as Jimin tightened his hand around Jungkook's member, pumping faster.

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