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Jimin became conscious and felt a heavy weight pressing him into the bed. He was unsure what was going on, all he knew was that it was morning and he was unable to move his limbs. After some time, he opened his eyes and remembered the events of last night. He looked down and saw Jungkook sleeping with his head snuggled in his chest, arm around his waist and legs tangled, feet slightly hanging off the bed. Jimin had his fingers rooted in Jungkook's hair but his hand was unmoving. He remembered how he caressed Jungkook's hair until he fell asleep. Jimin's left arm was sore since he had it bent and slept with his hand in Jungkook's hair, but he didn't mind at all.

Jimin felt something wet on his chest and decided to lift his head up to see Jungkook drooling a little, with his pouty lips apart and his eyes shut, looking completely relaxed. Jimin dropped his head back into his pillow with a sleepy smile as he raked his fingers through his bunny's hair. Although Jimin knew he just met Jungkook three weeks ago, he feels close to him now. He feels a warm sensation in his heart whenever he sees the taller male. He knows he likes him, but he isn't willing to fully accept it.

Jimin hears his parents car leaving the driveway, coming to the conclusion that his parents just left for work and it's about six in the morning. Jimin usually wakes up for school at seven so he still has plenty of time before he has to be up. He decided to let Jungkook sleep longer, hating to wake him up since he knows how rough his nights are now. It really ate Jimin up knowing Jungkook barely slept well. Whatever haunts Jungkook really does a number on him, making him so vulnerable and weak. Jimin didn't like seeing Jungkook with tear filled eyes and shaking the way that he was. He didn't like seeing Jungkook battle to breathe and maybe that's why Jimin doesn't want to wake him up. He's sleeping peacefully now and he doesn't want to ruin that. Last night after they both fell asleep, a couple hours later Jungkook did start shaking in his sleep and murmuring incoherently but Jimin woke up immediately, and started playing with his hair and rubbing his back with his other hand. Jungkook simply tightened his hold on Jimin and continued to sleep, the shaking stopped. That was the closest Jungkook had to a nightmare last night after Jimin comforted him.

Jimin started to wonder what Jungkook went through at home. Poor Jungkook got beaten, he barely ate, he had anxiety and he suffered with some sort of PTSD. Jimin hated whoever caused all this for him, so basically, he hated Jungkook's parents and wanted nothing more than to protect him. Jimin knew he couldn't do much but he had to try. He knew from now on he would make every experience he had with Jungkook memorable because he knew the taller had an unhappy life. Jimin didn't want to be like Jungkook's other friends. He didn't want to ignore Jungkook's silent cries for help. He wanted to help him in any possible way, starting with making the dark haired boy happier day by day. He wanted Jungkook to smile at school, like how he did when they were alone. He wanted to make Jungkook's life better and it all seemed a little too much to do for your crush but Jimin didn't care. Jungkook was his friend before he became his crush and he values him enough to want to protect him. Jimin felt sad that Jungkook's parents couldn't even help their son, causing him nightmares that never went away. Jimin didn't know much about nightmares but he knew that they occur because Jungkook never feels safe and he keeps replaying what haunts him in his mind over and over. Hence, Jimin wanted to let Jungkook know he was safe, with him.

Jimin felt butterflies thinking about how Jungkook reacted to him last night. When Jimin held him, caressed his cheeks and brushed his nose, Jungkook didn't pull away or behave awkwardly. He responded as if he reciprocated the feeling, as though he loved the comfort. This was a good sign to Jimin. He wasn't aware of Jungkook's sexuality but he assumed that if he didn't pull away like that, then he was comfortable enough with Jimin and that meant something positive. He loved the way Jungkook looked so vulnerable and open under his touch. Jungkook radiated dominant energy, but looked so soft and in need of protection that Jimin felt like it was his responsibility to take care of him.

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