25 ⚠

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Song Recommendation:
Let You Down - NF

When Jungkook left Calculus he stormed out to try and ease his anger. He initially wanted to find out if Jimin was okay but now he assumes that he's perfectly fine with Jihyun or whatever his name was. Jungkook couldn't get rid of the ache in his chest and the jealousy boiling in the pit of his stomach. He stormed out into the hallway, passing a group of girls. Impulsively, he grabbed one girl's hand gently and beckoned for her to follow. Coincidentally, the girl was Hana. She knew Jungkook wanted a fuck, and on this Friday, she was willing to skip a couple classes. 

That's how the two of them ended up at Hana's house, Hana sitting on Jungkook's lap in the living room as she kissed him. The two were kissing messily, but Jungkook didn't like it. It didn't feel good. This girl smelt of vanilla, but he grew to pine for the lavender scent that Jimin wore. 

Her lips were chapped, unlike Jimin's smooth lips Jungkook knew just because he touched it with his thumb once or twice. She didn't feel comfortable sitting on Jungkook's lap. He wanted Jimin's petite body on him, not Hana. He wanted Jimin to kiss him passionately, not Hana. Jungkook wanted to make love to Jimin, not fuck Hana. 

Jungkook knew this was a bad idea from the start. He knew he could never replace Jimin by fucking some random girl and he should've known that. He felt dirty again.

This isn't what Jimin would have wanted.

Jungkook remembered overhearing Jimin's conversation with Miss Han. If Jimin really did love him, then maybe it was really a misunderstanding. Jihyun would have no chance with him, so maybe Jungkook should talk to him... Before he loses him to someone else like Taehyung said.

I need to talk to him, Jungkook thought as he realized that maybe it was now or never. Before Jihyun steals Jimin forever. Jungkook knew that maybe Jimin deserved better, but if Jimin wanted him even after he would reveal all his secrets, then maybe Jimin and Jungkook are meant to be.

If Jimin could accept him, then it would be real love and that's all both the boys wanted for each other.

Just as Hana started to unbutton Jungkook's jeans, he snapped out of it and opened his eyes as he came to realize that this wasn't a way to fix this.

He still wore the bandage to school today so he quickly put on his hoodie again, since he was sitting shirtless. He moved Hana off his lap as he stood up quickly, to put his shoes on fast.

"Where are you going?!" Hana yelled after him as Jungkook bolted out of the door.

"I need to do something," he called back as he left out the front door. Hana drove them to her house so now, all Jungkook could do was walk to Jimin's house even if the route was long.

Jungkook decided to jog a little to speed up time. He couldn't lose Jimin so soon. He loved him and needed to tell him too. He knew Jimin loved him because he overheard his confession, but he wondered if Jimin would still continue to love him after knowing everything about him. All the dark secrets.

He jogged passed multiple streets and trees, passing many double story houses on his way to Jimin's mansion. He jogged for ten minutes until he decided to walk the rest of the way.

As he walked for ten more minutes, Jungkook was tired and weak from the lack of nutrients in his body but he kept pushing; he had one goal and that was to confess everything to Jimin.

He saw Jimin's front yard in his view as he walked up to it. He saw Jimin's car still in the driveway and knew he was home. He didn't know what he would've done if Jimin wasn't home, but maybe he would've waited until Jimin arrived.

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