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It was nearly four months later, nearly Jimin and Jungkook's one year anniversary. They've been coping with senior year and Jungkook didn't need tutoring anymore. He would just apply the rules Jimin has taught him last year and it worked wonders. 

The boys were growing up. They both passed their birthdays and spent it together, going above expectations to make their days special. Jimin even took Jungkook out for his birthday. It was the beginning of February and nearly their one year anniversary when Jungkook found himself browsing through a jewelry shop. Jimin was spending the day with Hoseok and Yoongi after a couple months, and Jungkook used this time to go shopping. 

He would allow Jimin to go out with his friends some weekends because Jungkook didn't want to keep Jimin restrained. The couple would often go out to the park, to the beach, to the mall to spend time, but Jungkook and Jimin also would spend time without each other. It was less than one year into their relationship, and yet it was the best period of their lives. Although Jungkook did have his insecurities, he always felt that Jimin could find better, but he cherished his time with Jimin, wanting to keep him with him forever. 

As Jungkook walked around the jewelry shop searching the store for something to catch his eye, he found a pair of rings that instantly sparked his interest. It was two pretty, silver couple rings that were on display. It was a bit pricey, but he didn't mind the price. The female ring had diamonds decorated on it and it was simple; perfect for Jimin. Jimin did like feminine things so Jungkook knew his lover would find the ring beautiful. 

"This one... I know he'll like it," Jungkook whispered to himself as he stared at the rings in the glass casing. An employee walked up to him with a warm smile. 

"Searching for a promise ring for your lover?" she smiled as Jungkook tore his gaze away from the rings to look at the worker. 

"Yes. It'll be our one year anniversary this weekend. He would like this," Jungkook spoke as he stood tall above the girl. 

"We have another set of rings exactly similar, except there's an engraving on the inside. Would you like to see it?" she asked him as Jungkook nodded. 

The worker walked to the back of the store into a storage room, before coming out with a small box with the promise rings inside. She approached Jungkook as she opened the box to show him a pair of similar rings, just with one difference. As Jungkook read the engravings, he smiled to himself. 

"Okay, now these are perfect," he said as he pulled out his wallet to get out his debit card, wanting to wait no longer to pay for the rings he would gift Jimin on their one year anniversary. 

* * * *

The weekend came extremely fast as Jungkook was excited to reveal the rings he bought for himself and Jimin. He kept the box hidden away where Jimin wouldn't look for it; in his bedroom at his house since they only spent their weekends there. 

It was Saturday as Jungkook woke up way before Jimin, as always. Immediately, Jungkook moved to lay on top of Jimin, leaving soft and delicate kisses all over Jimin's face. The older laid in bed with his brown hair splayed all over the pillow, lips parted as soft breaths escaped. 

Jungkook continued kissing his lover's beautiful face, Jimin starting to stir in his sleep. 

"Nh-" Jimin started to move around as he finally became conscious, feeling Jungkook's precious, gentle kisses. 

"Bun'?" Jimin asked as he opened his puffy eyes that were still sleepy. 

"Baby~ Happy anniversary~"  Jungkook sang, leaning down to kiss Jimin's forehead. 

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