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"Baby~" Jimin heard someone cooing in his ear as he woke up that next morning. Jimin just became conscious to hear someone cooing in his ear as he finally recognized Jungkook's sweet voice. The younger was caressing Jimin's naked chest as Jimin still didn't move yet, just listening to his boyfriend's callings.

"My king~ Don't make me straddle you~ I know you're awake..." Jungkook giggled cutely as he trailed his hand from Jimin's chest down to the older's exposed member. Immediately, Jimin gasped at the contact.

"I-I'm awake... Stop it or else I'll never sleep naked with you again," Jimin teased as he opened his eyes to look up at his lover.

"Good morning, baby boy~" Jungkook smirked as he held Jimin by his waist as they cuddled closely.

"Ah... Good morning, my prince," Jimin blushed as he remembered the previous night. Already, the sounds of their sensual moans and the feeling of their delicate touches played over Jimin's mind as he blushed intensely. Jungkook noticed the red tinting Jimin's cheeks and started to chuckle.

"Why are you blushing so hard? Hmm?~ Is it because you can still feel me inside you from last night?" Jungkook said as Jimin's eyes widened.

"Jungkook!" Jimin gasped as his lips parted in surprise. "Your mouth is dirty. You need to drink holy water," Jimin said as he turned to lay on his back, already feeling the harsh sting in his lower back. Jimin bit his lip as he relished in the pain he felt, secretly adoring the aftermath of Jungkook fucking him into oblivion.

"Is my baby sore?~" Jungkook cooed as he carefully caressed Jimin's abs as the latter turned his head to the side to face Jungkook.

"Very," Jimin said as Jungkook brought a hand up to lay his palm against the silver haired boy's cheek.

"Do you want me to take care of you, my king?" Jungkook asked as he looked at Jimin so lovingly.

"You don't have to... I can handle it," Jimin pouts cutely, almost as if telling Jungkook that he secretly wants to be taken care of.

"I want to do it for you... I love you like that," Jungkook said cutely as he caressed Jimin's cheek.

"You're such a romantic..." Jimin giggled.

"Only for you, baby... How about we go shower?" Jungkook smiled as he lifted his body to lean on his arm as he stared down at his lover.

"How about we bathe? My parents' bathroom have a bath tub in it as well as a shower. We can use it since they're not here and will only be back later tonight," Jimin spoke as he leaned up to caress Jungkook's hair.

"I like that idea," Jungkook said as he leaned down and pecked Jimin's pink lips.

Jimin smiled into the chaste kiss as Jungkook moved lower to lay his head on Jimin's chest.

"I miss laying on your chest like this when you used to caress me to sleep before we became a couple. It made me feel safe and your heartbeat makes me feel peaceful," Jungkook said as he hugged Jimin's waist.

"You can still hug me to sleep like this whenever you want," Jimin said as he brought his hand up to caress Jungkook's black strands.

"I felt like you'd prefer if I held you like that, so it can make you feel safe since you are my prized possession that needs protecting," Jungkook said as he looked up at Jimin, resting his chin on Jimin's chest as he looked up into Jimin's brown orbs.

"I love to hold you close and make you feel safe too. You know that, don't you? You may be the dominant at times, but I also have a dominant side that loves to protect you too," Jimin said as he caressed Jungkook's hair.

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